Weapons are the primary means of doing damage in Apex Legends. Up to two firearms can be carried at any time, regardless of the type of game. Assault rifles, submachine guns, light machine guns, marksman weapons, snipers, shotguns, and pistols are the seven types of firearms. Our Apex Legends Mobile guide will cover the top five best short-range best weapon combinations and the top five long-range weapon combinations.
Top 5 short-range weapon combinations
1. Volt SMG and R-99 SMG

The Volt SMG and R-99 SMG are two of the most potent DPS (damage per second) guns available. The DPS of the Volt SMG is 204, whereas the DPS of the R-99 SMG is 198. Use this combination to annihilate your opponent in seconds.
2. Wingman and Mozambique shotgun

If you enjoy living on the edge, this combination is for you. Wingman and Mozambique have high damage and DPS of 117 and 99, respectively. If you like to move around during fights, this is the combination.
3. Wingman and Peacemaker

If you’re confident in your aim, this combination is for you. Enemies will vanish in seconds if you can hit the shots. Both firearms deal a lot of damage, making it easy to take down foes.
4. EVA-8 Auto shotgun and Prowler

You’ve discovered a secret beast if you know how to utilize this weaponry appropriately. Prowler has a DPS of 163, while EVA-8 Auto has a DPS of 108. With appropriate attachments, they can evolve into something that none can expect.
5. Alternator SMG and R-99 SMG

This is yet another shredding combo, with huge DPS and a short time to kill. This combination is ideal for close-range combat.
Top 5 long-range combinations
1. Kraber .50-Cal Sniper and G7 Scout

The one-shot combo, and if you miss Kraber’s headshot, use the G7 Scout to finish off the enemy. Kraber does 435 damage to the head and 145 damage to the body.
2. HAVOC Rifle and Charging Rifle

We can surely term Charging Rifle a Laser because there is no bullet drop. On the other hand, the HAVOC rifle has a TTK of 0.98 seconds; hit your shots precisely to drop foes in under a second. With this mix of high DPS and low TTK, your victory on the battlefield is ensured.
3. R301 Carbine and Sentinel

The Sentinel rewards you for hitting shots while also improving your long-range powers. In medium-range situations where a quickfire is necessary, the R301 has good reach and can compensate for the Sentinel’s slower rate of fire.
4. Longbow DMR and R301 Carbine

The R301 has considerable reach and can compensate for the Longbow’s slower rate of fire in medium-range circumstances where a quickfire is necessary. In contrast, the Longbow compensates for the R301’s lack of efficacy at long range.
5. L-Star EMG x 2

Can’t Stop Won’t Stop (The Troll) combo. Carry two of these bad boys and when one overheats, switch to the other one and make sure you have a lot of ammo on you.
What are your thoughts about our list of best Weapon combinations in Apex legends Mobile? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Nice one , thanks for this
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