The ongoing July 2023 season of Clash of Clans once again continues the theme of the notorious greens to the game, similar to the June season. The new season is kicked off with an exciting challenge event, the Goblin King Challenge, featuring yet another interesting base layout that players must conquer to achieve a flawless three-star attack. As Clash of Clans players eager to take on this fresh challenge, we have devised effective strategies to 3-star this Goblin King Challenge.
Introducing the Goblin King Challenge in Clash of Clans
Here we have a Town Hall 15 base once again, this time designed by popular content creator Sir Moose. The base is a tricky one once again, and the troop combination provided makes you feel the same way. Four X-Bows are the biggest threat in the bases, followed by the wide Scattershots provided.

While we would expect the goblin theme to help to plunder more loot, the rewarding pattern is similar to all the previous challenges. Along with the extra resources that are provided, players can gain 400 XP, 25 Gems, and 1x Hero Potion.
How to beat the Goblin King Challenge in Clash of Clans
The base is kinda tricky especially with defenses being placed wide and a lot of traps placed. Triggering the traps is also essential, as well as helping your troops get into the base straight away without much of a hassle. A lot of time might be wasted if you do not work it properly, so proceed with the tactic explained in this article.
First things first, take out the Ground-set X-Bow defenses situated near the center. For that, use the two Minion troops, which will clear out easily. With one X-Bow down, follow that region to drop your Barbarian King to take out the X-Bow, Scattershot, and Mortar cluster. Try deploying closer to the X-Bow to take out the stronger defenses first.

Use the Lightning spell to take out the two Elixir Collector buildings, and save one Lightning Spell for the next. Using the Goblins, target the two Gold Collectors. Meanwhile, the minions will clear out the two X-Bows and will trigger out all air traps. Once the King is done with one side, use the Recall spell to call him back and deploy him on the other cluster.
Do remember to save his ability till the end, which won’t be a worry as he can survive without worry. Drop the Electro Titan in the center so that he can target the Clan Castle. By this time, the Tesla Tower might be triggered, so use your last remaining lightning spell on it. Now, the rest of the moves depend on how you want it but don’t need much of a hassle.

If the Goblins are hitting the wall, use the Jump on them to target the storage. Meanwhile, the King will be ready to recall again, which you will follow to recall him at the top, to target the Town Hall. Use his ability here, enough to clear the area. Use one jump spell here and let the rest remaining troops clear the base for an easy 3!
A simple base on offer and a couple of tactics are enough to get a three-star. That’s all for the Goblin King Challenge guide. Get your attacks done!
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