
Clash Royale Guide: Tips to use your Elixir efficiently

Use your Elixir efficiently with our guide!

Many Clash Royale players often make the mistake of over-utilizing their Elixir and thus, lose matches due to insufficient Elixir at the time it was needed the most. Winning the matches requires accurate placements of cards, the best deck that suits one’s playstyle, and most important of all, how they utilize their Elixir. In our Clash Royale guide, we will discuss tips to help players use their Elixir on a much better scale.

How to use your Elixir efficiently in Clash Royale

1. Trump cards

This is a unique trait that can be performed only in selective decks. Players can have a trump card that can be used to surprise their opponents towards the end of a game. This implies that players will have to battle it out with only 7 cards to use.

Image via Supercell

Hence, keep a card that can damage the opponent hard – be it a spell or an offensive card, whilst ensuring that there are enough cards to defend as well. When it’s time, throw down the trump card. Depending on the skill of the card, the opponent will waste a lot of Elixir, after which players can use everything to provide backup or perform a massive push.

2. Understand your Deck carefully

Getting used to a deck is key. It helps players to know when and where to place the cards at the perfect time. It allows them to counter and attack opponents with ease. For this, one needs to set a deck according to his playstyle and practice the same deck every day. By having a mastered deck, players can avoid wasting Elixir in unnecessary situations.

3. Master your most-used Cards

If one decides to make the best deck, he must have to master them in the longer run. This could be started with one card and eventually increased the count. By mastering the cards, players won’t have to consume a lot of Elixir to protect their towers, but instead, they will play smarter.

4. Read your opponent’s next move

Clash Royale Elixir Guide
Image via Supercell

Players have to focus on not only their own but also their opponent’s moves. By observing the opponent’s steps, one can judge his next moves even before dropping the card itself. This allows the player to have an edge over his opponent, whilst also letting the players use their Elixir efficiently.

5. Save Elixir

Saving Elixir does not necessarily mean letting it flow, but, it refers to saving Elixir during an enemy’s attacks. When players successfully defend an attack at the cost of a little Elixir, they can force a counter-attack on the enemy. If the opponent had consumed a lot of Elixir during his attack, he can’t do anything but watch his tower getting destroyed by the counter-attack.

Final Thoughts

Playing any game the smart way is the best methodology to win matches. Players will be able to imply smarter ways to win a game, such as consuming Elixir efficiently, as we have discussed in this article. The smarter you play, the more experience you will garner.

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