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Cookie Run: Kingdom White Lily Cookie Guide: How to unlock, Best Toppings, and more

Utilise the White Lily Cookie to its fullest!

Cookie Run: Kingdom released the Version 5.0 updateSecrets of the Silver Kingdom” on January 20th, 2024. The new update is a big one, as we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Cookie Run: Kingdom and move on into the main storyline again involving a certain Ancient Cookie who also has finally released this patch. The star of the show is no doubt the long-awaited Ancient Cookie, White Lily Cookie. White Lily Cookie is an Ancient Bomber Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom that is in the Middle position. This guide will help you with how to build the White Lily Cookie, how to obtain her, and the ways to level her up. 

White Lily Cookie is an Ancient Cookie and hence can be obtained through the Gacha. Due to her Rarity, Soulstones will be available to buy after a few patches from her initial release in Version 5.0 either through the form of Shops or in Limited events. There are many ways to obtain White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones such as,

Cookie Run: Kingdom White Lily Cookie
Image via Devsisters
  • Kingdom Arena Medal Shop: Available exclusively through the Kingdom Arena. Players have to participate in PvP battles and ultimately win to obtain the Medals of Victory currency to exchange with the Soulstones. In every Shop reset which lasts for 3 days, there are 1x Ancient or Dragon Cookie Soulstones to purchase in stock. Only one Soulstone can be collected in total during each rotation.

Check out the Neither-gacha, where you can meet White Lily Cookie and obtain her Soulstones. Collect Light of Freedom through various events or from the shop to use the Nether-gacha. In the Nether-gacha, White Lily Cookie and White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones will appear with a higher chance. After x250 Nether-gacha pulls, you can receive a guaranteed White Lily Cookie. After the Nether-gacha event is over, the remaining Light of Freedom will be converted to Coins.

Character Introduction

A solitary beam of moonlight shines in the twilight. Like a pale lily touched by the gentle drops of rain, a Cookie silently entered the world. Her petals might look soft, and her dough frail, but nothing could stop her steps as she explored every corner of Earthbread, seeking a safer and happier future for all Cookiekind.

Cookie Run: Kingdom White Lily Cookie
Image via Devsisters

Alas, at the end of her journey, all she found was the dark truth of this world. That truth painted her faith and curiosity with despair and anger, awakening a terrifying darkness deep within. Will White Lily Cookie find her lost voice once again amidst the deafening silence? With a seed of hatred and despair in her heart, will she walk towards the light once more?

Play-style and Skillset

  • Rarity: Ancient Cookie
  • Type: Bomber Cookie
  • Position: Middle

Lily Bud
A pure white lily bud bursts open, dealing periodic damage to enemies and additional damage depending on the number of buffs White Lily Cookie has on herself. Enemies affected by the skill will become entangled in Vines, becoming unable to move or use skills. Whenever an ally Cookie gains a debuff, they will gain the Lily Restoration buff. Once Lily Restoration reaches a certain number of stacks, it will dispel all current debuffs on the allies and heal them. White Lily Cookie is immune to the Spore Dispersal and Mushroom Mutation effects. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)When White Lily Cookie’s pure white lily bud bursts open, it not only deals damage over time to enemies but also unleashes additional pain based on the number of buffs she has. Enemies caught entangled in the Vines, rendering them immobile and unable to unleash their skills for a brief period.

A unique aspect of White Lily Cookie’s skill is the Lily Restoration buff. Whenever an ally Cookie faces a debuff, they gain this restorative buff. As the Lily Restoration stacks up, it miraculously dispels all debuffs on the allies and showers them with healing. White Lily Cookie is also immune to Spore Dispersal and Mushroom Mutation effects.
LevelLevel Up EXP (Star Jellies Lvl.1)Skill Level Up (Skill Powder)
1-101510 EXP25x Common, 4500x Gold
11-2010,040 EXP75x Common, 14500x Gold
21-3056,790 EXP30x Refined, 47000x Gold
31-40314,510 EXP80x Refined, 107000x Gold
41-501,401,060 EXP110x Pristine, 212000x Gold
51-60332,160 EXP250x Pristine, 410000x Gold
61-65342,124 EXP150x Pristine, 280000x Gold
66-70362,054 EXP150x Pristine, 330000x Gold
71-75383,777 EXP175x Pristine, 380000x Gold
StarsMaterials Needed
1 Star20x Soulstones, 500x Gold
2 Stars30x Soulstones, 5000x Gold
3 Stars50x Soulstones, 10000x Gold
4 Stars70x Soulstones, 50000x Gold
5 Stars100x Soulstones, 100000x Gold
Ascension Star: 1450x Rare Soul Essence, 20x Soulcores, 100000x Gold
Ascension Star: 2280x Epic Soul Essence, 30x Soulcores, 200000x Gold
Ascension Star: 350x Legendary Soul Essence, 40x Soulcores, 300000x Gold
Ascension Star: 490x Legendary Soul Essence, 50x Soulcores, 500000x Gold
Ascension Star: 5100x Legendary Soul Essence, 60x Soulcores, 700000x Gold

White Lily Cookie has an assortment of Toppings to choose from depending on what you prefer in her build. White Lily Cookie is a Bomber Cookie her position is in the middle. As such there are two recommended Toppings to choose from depending on what you prefer in her build.

Players can opt for giving her a full 5-piece of Swift Chocolate Toppings to reduce her Skill cooldown even further than 15 seconds (a full set will reduce her cooldown to 8 seconds). With a reduced Cool down she can spam her Skill more consistently and hence provide dmg, buffs, and debuffs to the enemy team.

Cookie Run: Kingdom Swift Chocolate
Swift Chocolate
Eat before it melts! This chocolate can decrease the Cookie’s Cooldown.
  Equip 5: -5% Cooldown 

Sub-stat Priority: ATK = DMG Resist > Cooldown >Crit Resist > Crit > Speed
Searing Raspberrry (Moonkissed)
Searing Raspberry
A searing berry like this one can increase the Cookie’s ATK.
Equip 3: +3% ATK
Equip 5:
 +5% DMG Resist 

Sub-stat Priority: Cooldown > ATK >DMG Resist >Crit Resist > Crit > Speed

Additionally, since White Lily Cookie is a Bomber Cookie and deals a high amount of damage, a full 5-piece set of Searing Raspberry Cookie is another viable option that can be recommended. This can help increase her damage potential and dishing out high numbers.

Final Thoughts

White Lily Cookie being an Ancient Cookie has no doubt been extremely overpowered and puts other Bomber Cookies under the water. Her damage and support capabilities make her a must-have Cookie in your roster. With the now-added “Beascuits” introduced into the game, her damage potential has been increased significantly. In short, White Lily Cookie is not just a source of damage but can control and heal other Cookies. Her vines and blossoms can entrap enemies while providing healing restoration for her allies.

What do you think about the Cookie Run: Kingdom White Lily Cookie Guide? Let us know in the comments below!

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