
DC Dark Legion: How to unlock all Heroes fast as F2P

Assemble your dream squad!

Story Highlights
  • You can get almost all heroes in DC Dark Legion as F2P.
  • It may take time to every every hero.
  • Unlocking more Mother Boxes will help you to unlock all heroes fast.

FunPlus‘s DC Dark Legion offers plenty of heroes that you can unlock. You need the best heroes to build your unbeatable squad. Although you may find it a little overwhelming to unlock all Heroes or Champions in DC Dark Legion, it will be very easy for you with time and following my tips.

The ultimate F2P guide to unlock all Heroes in DC Dark Legion

If you are a free-to-play player who is not willing to spend any money, that is fine. You can still get all the heroes in the game. But it may take more time than who spends money on the game.

The easiest way to unlock all heroes in DC Dark Legion is to decode as many Mother Boxes as you can. That is the most efficient way. You need to collect the Energy Keys to decode the Mother Boxes, or in simple terms unlock the cubes!

DC dark Legion Energy Cube, DC dark Legion Mother Boxes, DC dark Legion
DC Dark Legion Mother Boxes (Image via FunPlus)

Here are the full details of the drops you get from Mother Boxes or cubes in DC Dark Legion:

Energy Key TypeBasic DropEpic DropLegendary DropMythic Drop
PLANETARY ENERGY KEYS (Green Cube)It contains only one reward: Dollars 88%Epic Champion: 2%Legendary Champion Shards: 10%
ORRERY ENERGY KEYS (Blue Cube)Contains 2 rewards: Dollars: 100%Legendary Champion or Shards: 30%
CHAOS ENERGY KEYS (Purple Cube)Contains 3 rewards: Dollars: 100%Legendary Champion or Shards: 35%Mythic Champion Shards: 5%
ORDER ENERGY KEYS (Golden Cube)Contains 4 rewards: Dollars: 100%Legendary Champion or Shards: 90%Mythic Champion Shards: 10%
DIVINE ENERGY KEYS (Red Cube)Contains 5 rewards: Source Energy Gems: 100%Mythic Champion or Shards: 100%

Keeping the drops I have explained here in mind, spin the cube as many times as you can, and your hero unlock progress will be much faster than the rest of the players! You can also use DC Dark Legion redeem codes to get some extra cubes.

However, if you are willing to throw some cash into this game, then it will be even easier. There is a gacha system in the game that will allow you to get exclusive heroes such as Superman.

Without spending money, it will be very hard (and time-consuming) to unlock those exclusive Mythic Heroes or Champions in DC Dark Legion. However, you can still get Harley Quinn for free. She is not an exclusive character but still a mythic hero.

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