
FIFA Mobile 21: The Complete New Season Guide

Prepare to Kick Off!

The new season is upon us in FIFA Mobile. By this time we all have completed the first week in FIFA Mobile 21 and it’s been one hell of a grind. From collecting Now and Later Packs in the first few minutes to ranting at the new star skill games, it’s been a ride. So let’s take a look at the new-look FIFA Mobile in this FIFA Mobile 21 Guide and review the best possible tips to start the new season.

The first impressions of the new seasons, there are tons and tons to grind and it does look the elements that we were hoping to a new version of FIFA Mobile have been implemented into this. There is a lot more to grind than we have seen before and there is new exciting stuff in Legacy as well.

FIFA Mobile 21: New and Recurring features

My Legacy

Legacy is back in FIFA Mobile. To be honest, Legacy still doesn’t look like it should be any more than two months, but there is a distinct possibility that we continue to grind this for an excess amount of time.

FIFA Mobile 21 Guide

If you are grinding Legacy, don’t spend your legacy points on anything until you get the Legacy Multiplier times three, that way as you continue to complete daily events, you can exchange 60 Skill Boosts for 50 points instead of 20 Boosts or three golds instead of a single gold. So don’t spend on anything until you get the three times multiplier, that is the key.

Remember that once you have claimed enough Legacy Offers to unlock all bonus rewards the legacy offers will disappear. So make sure to spend your legacy offers wisely. Once you have enough to spend everything, that’s when the offers will go away.

Division Rivals

There is a big change in Divison Rivals, we have daily goals its not just basically winning three games, there is a little achievement you have to complete every day. You can grind, grind and grind and the entire thing resets in four weeks, so there is big advantage to grinding.

FIFA Mobile 21 Guide

Once you have unlocked the boosts, you should start upgrading all of your boosts immediately to unlock additional levels and formations. Don’t train anybody, at some point, if you are seeing a quest to train somebody, train a simple bronze to the next player. Formations and chemistry will be unlocked as you level your squad up.

Club Customization

This is a completely new section, you have new logos and badges. All the kits are a carryover from last season. You can have three badges at any set amount of time. They show up before your VSA matches and H2H. They are a lot of badges yet to be claimed.

FIFA Mobile 21 Guide

Emotes are a new addition, and you can unlock more with new events. You can pick your emotes, badges, and kits in the new club customization.


This is a massive grinding thing and gonna take you forever. You have to complete Division 10 to complete Mobile Master 5. You need to have players from those leagues to complete the divisions. Yes, there is no second way. Fill your squad with players from those respective leagues by training up players to complete the seasons.

Rank Ups

Rank Ups are possible now. You can rank up from day 1. But don’t do it, don’t do it right now. If you held off last season and didn’t rank up anyone until they started to release players that already had the ranks and you just transferred them to your team, you could have easily reached a high OVR free to play by transferring the ranks.

Think of all 10 ranked, 14 ranked players, you could have saved all the shards. So this year, try to horde all the shards until they start releasing ranked players. They will release the ranked up players a lot sooner this year. So no rank ups until they release ranked players.


Perks are different this season as well, we don’t have the perk tree, you can now choose your own Perks. You can go for all OVRs, but you might miss out on Chemistry. You have to make your decision, which way you want to go, preferably balance out between OVR and Chemistry. Perk points can be obtained from league vs league as before.

FIFA Mobile 21 Guide

Gameplay-wise the game is a bit smoother. One more thing is if you go to preferences, there is the ability to swap left to right. Yes this has been finally added in-game!


As soon as the market went live, there were players in the market, and automated players to sell. Remember that it is a bot market, you are not buying from other players, you are buying from the bot. The players you see at the market are placed by the bot and not other players.

The suggested price depends on the rarity of the cards. If there is already stuff in the market and if you still dump a player into the market. it could be rare, or it could be not. So prices generally start right out of the gate and slowly dim down. Since the cards at release are suggested at a widely inflated price so you need to undercut it largely to make your card sell.

At market release there is a wide variety of cards, so you could sell them for the suggested price as there is a wider pool of base cards than the shorter amount of event cards that are post-release. Last but not the least, you need to be patient with the market, Don’t lose your shit, slow and steady wins the race.

FIFA Mobile 21 Guide: Tips and Tricks

Here are some bonus tips and tricks to guide you to get ahead of the pack and build the highest OVR possible in FIFA Mobile 21.

1. Grind everything

Firstly in our FIFA Mobile 21 Season Guide, Grind Grind Grind, Grind everything. As soon as you unlock rivals, grind that, as soon as you unlock seasons, grind it. You will want to grind everything and gain every resource that you can get. The first two weeks of the game is all about the grind. Don’t discount the advantage of the autoplay.

2. Upgrade your Boosts

At the very beginning of the season, you will have to upgrade the boosts. You are going to upgrade every single boost. You may not be not using all the boosts, but remember on upgrading you gain a ton of XP, that is not available anywhere else in the game. So if you want to unlock a lot of stuff, unlock the market quickly, you need to upgrade your boosts. All the coins that you are hoarding from selling players should go directly into your boosts.

3. Unlock the market and get rid of the market tax

The reason we are upgrading the boost is to unlock the market. As soon as the market is unlocked. throw your players, program players in there, and get the coins. Hope you didn’t buy players from the market in the initial days of the season. The prices are astronomically high in the starting days and you should hold off for a few days before buying anyone.

4. Run a Scavenged Team initially

In the very beginning, run a scavenged team, these are the players that you get from the packs, events, and the untradable ones. You are not going to put any money on them so that you can sell when you want to. This is just going to be your typical dirtball team that will be your usual go-to for the grind. Don’t worry about having the highest OVR possible for the first couple of weeks, rather focus on your coins.

5. Shifting to a Rental Team

Once the market settles, you will want to shift to a rental team. Rental Team is the team where every player that you have gathered from events, packs, and make the highest possible rated squad with little to no coins spent. If you need a specific position, you can buy an elite from the market, until you get the program player on the same. Remember it’s just a rental squad, so as soon as you get someone better. you can change them.

6. Don’t train anybody now

You are not going to train anybody now at the beginning of the season. At least a month before you train your players. You will want to hold out training anybody as long as you possibly can. With big events like Freeze and Team of the Year coming soon, don’t waste your Training XP and coins until bigger events are released. You are going to hoard all your XP at the beginning of the season, you are going to save it all.

Once you have got a program keeper, that you plan to keep for a while, that is the first player you are going to train. You will max out your keeper with all the XP and then feed him into your next goalie.

7. Focus on Skill Boosts

As events release, your focus should be on boosts. Boosts, Boosts and Boosts. Shards and Rank ups are the secondary way to increase your team’s OVR, boost is always the primary way.

At the end of the season when you are near maxing out your boosts, shards should be your main priority and boosts your second. At any time when events go, boosts and shards are always first, and second, players are a distant third. Don’t focus on XP and coins as they are relatively easy to come by.

8. Study the market for Coins

Coins will come from the market, not from the events. Study the market and make the most from it. Whatever coin farming and fishing method work, stick with it and milk it every day. It is really relatively easy to make coins once you learn how the market works. Coins when you know how to work the market, completely change everything else in the way you handle the game. When you always have a stockpile of coins, your priorities change dramatically and you have to go into the beginning of the new season with that mentality. Grab players from events to sell

For now, grind everything, play everything, enjoy the new season. There is lots of grinding, fields are swapping, Icons and Team of the Week are going to release today. SBCs are in the game from the beginning. It’s like everything that was good last season, they carried forward to the new season removing all the stuff we didn’t like.

Additionally, there is a new function, there is a clear all button. That is if you want to clear your inbox, the messages, friend requests, market dismissals, league invites will be removed. Therefore now is a dismissal button which will help you a lot, trust us. Anybody who farms and fishes from the market, this is a boon for them. Stay tuned, a detailed market guide is on the horizon from us and coming real soon.

Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, I’ll make sure to reply to everyone. Hope you find this FIFA Mobile 21 New Season Guide useful.

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