ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 MEGA: Tips to cover distance using Wind Tunnels in the game

Run with the help of the strength of winds!

Fortnite keeps on adding new mechanics and functions to the game to keep it fresh and interesting for its players. They also introduce new challenges and quests around these new mechanics which makes it mandatory for the players to use these functions or explore the newer bits of the map. This is a great way in making people engage with the new mechanics of the game and also reward them in turn. One of these new quests in Fortnite MEGA requires players to fly in the wind tunnels and here’s how players can do it.

Wind Tunnel locations in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 MEGA

Wind Tunnels can be found in pretty random areas like in the snow biome region or in the middle of Frenzy Fields and Mega City. These tunnels are not abundant in numbers and are also not marked on the map by itself so the image provided will help the players locate these tunnels more easily.

Fortnite MEGA Wind Tunnels location
Image via Epic Games

These tunnels can be identified from far away with the help of the orange and white flag which keeps on blowing in the direction in which the wind Tunnel is active.

How to travel using Wind Tunnels in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 MEGA

Once players locate the orange and white flag successfully, all they need to do is run up close enough to it so they get picked on with the help of the wind in the Wind Tunnel in the direction it is blowing in. Players will be able to travel small distances at a single time using these tunnels as they are not so big in size. The quest requires the players to travel a distance of 250 meters and to cover it players will need to use the Wind Tunnel more than once.

Fortnite MEGA ride Wind Tunnels
Image via Epic Games

It means players will need to use the tunnel a number of times but the distance can be easily covered in a single match itself. Players just need to make sure that they don’t run across enemies while they are performing this task and get eliminated, so having a team member present there to cover for the player performing the quest might be a good choice.

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