ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 WILDS: Thermal DMR locations and how to find them

Use thermal vision to detect enemies!

Fortnite has released a lot of new weapons and cosmetics with the launch of their new season, Chapter 4 Season 3. They have also included three new jungle POIs to go with the theme of the season. These locations provide great camouflage to players as they are covered with tall trees, vines, and heavy foliage. It becomes quite difficult to identify if anyone is hidden behind all of this. So one of the newest weapons that Epic Games have added to Fortnite is Thermal DMR to help players in situations and here’s how players can get their hands on them.

Thermal DMR in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 WILDS

Thermal DMR is one of the new weapons that have been introduced in the new season. It helps players to detect enemies that might be nearby in the heavy foliage but can’t be detected by the naked eye in one of the new jungle POIs. It uses the thermal scanning feature which helps people track their enemies through all the vegetation. But there are also some ways to avoid being detected which we will discuss later in this guide itself.

Where to find the Thermal DMR in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 WILDS

The main reason any player would want to get their hands on the Thermal DMR is to use it in any of the jungle POIs. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t spawn in the other biomes too. The Thermal DMR can be found in any of the chests or as floor loot all over the battle royale map.

Fortnite Thermal DMR
Image via Epic Games

But the number of Thermal DMRs in the game is limited at the moment so players will come across it far less often than expected. They are more likely to come across rifles such as the Flapjack Rifle or the Red-Eye Assault Rifle.

How to use the Thermal DMR in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 Wilds

The Thermal DMR is unique because of its thermal vision scope. It can help detect enemies and animals alike even if they are camouflaged in the jungle POIs. The scope of the Thermal DMR can be turned on in the same way as any other simple scope, which is by ADS. This will turn on the thermal vision and enemies will appear highlighted through the scope.

Fortnite Thermal DMR
Image via Epic Games

Players also have the option to turn off the thermal vision feature anytime if they want to use it just as a regular scope. The enemies and animals through the thermal vision mode are shown in bright colors because of the body heat they emit but it won’t work if the player places the gun in the direction of their teammates, which prevents them from shooting their teammates.

Hiding from the thermal vision of the scope can be a bit difficult in other places but in the jungle biomes players can hide themselves by using mud to cover them up which will hide their body heat from getting captured in the Thermal DMR.

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