ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Fortnite Guide: Tips to ignite buildings and extinguish fires using Slurp

Light things up on fire and put them out yourself to finish the challenge quickly!

Fortnite is a fast action-packed battle royale game by Epic Games. In the game, 100 players need to fight against each other to survive till the end and come out victorious. It is a very popular game and acquired a huge number of players throughout the years. Season 3 Chapter 3 is close to ending and the Fire with Fire Week is underway in Fortnite where players will need to carry out fire-based challenges to earn XP by igniting structures and extinguishing fires using slurp. In this guide, we are going to talk about how the players can do it and where they can find the necessary items for it.

Fire with Fire Week challenge in Fortnite

The Fire with Fire Week is part of the Fire Wild Week Quests which has let the players witness the return of some very popular fire-breathing weapons such as the Dragon’s Breath Shotgun and Primal Flame Bow.

This week the spawn rate of Firefly jars has also increased along with that of Chug Cannons. They will be available on various locations on the map as ground loot along with chests. This will make them easily accessible for the players in Fortnite. Here’s how players can earn more XP by making use of these weapons in the game.

1. By igniting structures in Fortnite 

Fortnite Fire with Fire Week
Image via Epic Games

Players will need fire-based weapons like the Dragon’s Breath Shotgun, the Primal Flame Bow, or the Firefly Jars to ignite structures in Fortnite. Players can find all of them as common loot items in the game. They are available as ground loot items or in chests in the game.

Players can use them to light up buildings by simply firing at them. Firefly Jars can be used to ignite gas stations and even trees. The quest tracker of the players will get updated regularly along with every structure they ignite.

2. By extinguishing fires using Slurp in Fortnite

Fortnite Fire with Fire Week
Image via Epic Games

No specific location has been mentioned for this challenge so players can land where ever they want to for it. They need to look for Slurp Barrels from the locations marked on the map. Other than that players can also use Exotic Chug Cannon along with Chug Splashes and Shield Kegs.

All of them can be found in ground loot locations and supply chests. Players can also buy a Chug Cannon by visiting the NPC Kyle and getting it from it in exchange for 600 Gold Bars.

Fortnite Fire with Fire Week
Image via Epic Games

Players need to extinguish 100 fires in Fortnite to earn 1`up to 12000 XP with Slurp. They can fast forward the process by using Firefly Jars or their weapons to set buildings and other structures on fire and then using their Chug Cannon and other equipment to put the fire off right away.

What are your thoughts about our Fortnite guide to ignite buildings and extinguish fires using the slurp in the Fire with Fire week challenge? Let us know in the comments below!

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