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Genshin Impact Guide: Best ways to obtain Primogems for beginners

Easiest ways to farm primogems!

Genshin Impact has made itself a very well-established and popular game launching back in September 2020 and is on its way to 3 years of running its game. As such most of the player base are veterans of the game who are at the end-game phase with high AR and a full stack of 5-star characters. As such it may prove to be very overwhelming and difficult to navigate through the game with its over-flowing content for a new player, especially when it comes to collecting Primogems to get their desired 5-star characters. In this guide, we will be giving some tips and tricks for farming primogems fast for beginners in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: Easiest ways for beginners to earn primogems

1. Achievements 

When players first start the game, they will be completing many achievements in the game which can be as simple as cooking a dish for the first time or defeating a set number of enemies. Early achievements are easy to complete as one progresses in the game, both story and exploration-wise.

Genshin Achievements 
Image via HoYoverse

Currently, there are around 900 achievements in the game. Players can simply open the Achievements tab in the Main Menu to view all the achievements and the game will tell them the ways to complete them. Most of the Achievements grant the player 5 Primogems each, while some give 10 to 20 Primogems. Nonetheless, there is a high quantity of these Achievements with easy completion.

2. World Quests

Progressing through the regions and exploring will grant you access to many of the World Quests. There are many types of World Quests in the game. Most of the World Quests are set stories about dealing with NPC’s problems. Others are exploration-based where players have to run through a series of events in order to complete the quest.

Genshin Impact beginners primogems World Quests
Image via HoYoverse

As of now, Genshin Impact has released Inazuma, Liyue, Mondstadt, and Sumeru. Both Inazuma and Sumeru have World Quests that are heavily story-based and hence will take longer to complete, but nonetheless, all of these World Quests reward the players with Primogems after completion.

3. Adventure Ranks

New players can easily level up in the game, through a level-up system dubbed as Adventurer Rank. As one explores and completes Story and Archon Quests or even World Quests, they will be rewarded with lots of Player EXP along the way. When players level up, they will be rewarded, as a result.

Adventure Ranks
Image via HoYoverse

Many of the rewards include Intertwined Fates and Acquaint Fates, but the game will also reward you with Primogems as well. Early-game players can rise up their Adventure Rank quickly as they progress in the game. The gap of Player EXP from Level 1 to Level 55 is comparatively less than what Player EXP you may need once you go above AR 55 to AR60.

4. Adventurer’s Handbook

As an early player, one will encounter something called Adventurer’s Handbook which contains much useful information such as the Commissions Guide, Domain and Bosses location, and an Experience Tab. In this Experience Tab, there is an Investigation Progress, which is another sort of Achievements where players complete the Objectives said in the Handbook and complete the Chapters.

Image via HoYoverse

Once all the objectives are completed and the Chapter is finished, players will be granted various rewards which also include Primogems. There are around 7 Chapters in total, although early players can easily finish the first 4 Chapters.

5. Exploration

Currently, as of now, Genshin Impact has released the main regions such Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru with sub-regions added along such as Chasm and Enkanomiya. Exploration is one of the many best ways to farm Primogems.

  • Players can unlock Teleport Waypoints and Statue of the Seven where they will be granted 5 to 10 Primogems each.
  • Opening Chests can grant Primogems. The Chests in Mondstadt and Liyue are Common Chest: 0 Primogems, Exquisite Chest: 2, Precious Chest: 5, Luxurious Chest: 10. Starting from Inazuma and Sumeru the Chests grant: Common Chest: 2 Primogems, Exquisite Chest: 5, Precious Chest: 10, Luxurious Chest: 10, Remarkable Chests: 5 Primogems.
Genshin Impact beginners primogems exploration
Image via HoYoverse
  • Unlocking the Shrines with the Shrine of Depth keys gives 40 Primogems each.
  • Collecting Anemoculus, Geoculus, Electroculus, and Dendroculus, and then offering them to their respective Statue of the seven regions can level up the Statues and hence grant various rewards including Primogems. Around 60 Primogems can be gotten by each Level Up.
  • There are also many offering trees around the regions such as the Frostbearing Tree’s Gratitude, Sacred Sakura’s Favor, and Vanarana’s Favor where they offer rewards as you Level them up by collecting Sigils.

That’s it for the easiest ways to farm Primogems in Genshin Impact.

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