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Genshin Impact Sucrose Guide: Best weapons, artifact sets and materials required for ascension

All you need to know about Sucrose, and the ways to unleash her maximum potential.

Genshin Impact is an adventure RPG released by miHoyo in 2020. In a short period, the game has become one of the most successful adventures RPG titles ever to have been released. This guide will be looking into one of the most popular characters, Sucrose in Genshin Impact, her best weapons, artifacts, and materials required for her ascension.

Sucrose: Playstyle and skillset of the character

Genshin Impact Sucrose guide
Sucrose in Genshin Impact

The character Sucrose is a 4-star Anemo Catalyst character in Genshin Impact. Sucrose specializes in boosting elemental reaction with Anemo, her constellation is Chaotic Entropy. The following are her talents, skills, and attacks:

Wind Spirit CreationNormal Attack
Performs up to 4 attacks using Wind Spirits, dealing Anemo DMG. 
Wind Spirit CreationCharge Attack
It consumes a certain amount of stamina and deals AoE Anemo DMG after a short casting time. 
Wind Spirit CreationPlunging Attack
Calling upon the power of her Wind spirits, Sucrose plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all enemies in her path. Deals AoE Anemo DMG upon impact with the ground. 
Astable Anemohypostasis Creation-6308Elemental Skill
Creates a small wind spirit that deals Anemo DMG to enemies in an AoE, pulling them towards the location of the Wind spirit before launching them. 
Forbidden Creation- Isomer 75 / Type IIElemental Burst
Sucrose hurls an unstable concoction that creates a Large wind spirit. While it persists, the Large Wind Spirit will continuously pull and launch nearby enemies, dealing with AoE Anemo DMG. Elemental Absorption If the Wind Spirit comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro elements, it will deal with additional DMG of that type. Elemental Absorption may only occur once peruse. 

Sucrose’s Passive

  • Catalyst Conversion- When Sucrose triggers a swirl effect, characters in the party with the matching element have their Elemental Mastery increased by 50 for 8s.
  • Mollis Favonius- When Astable Anemohypostatis Creation-6308 or Forbidden Creation-Isomer 75/ Type II hit an enemy, increases other party member’s Elemental Mastery based on 20% of sucrose’s Elemental Mastery for 8s.
  • Astable Invention- When Sucrose crafts Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials, she has a 10% to obtain double the product.

Sucrose’s constellations

1Clustered Vacuum FieldAstable Anemohypostasis Creation-6308 gains 1 additional charge.
2Beth: Unbound FormThe duration of Forbidden Creation-Isomer 75/Type II is increased by 2s.
3Flawless AlchemistressIncreases the Level of Astable Anemohypostasis Creation-6308 by 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
4AlchemaniaFor every 7 normal and charged Attacks, Sucrose will reduce the CD of Astable Anemohypostasis Creation – 6308 by 1-7s.
5Caution: Standard FlaskIncreases the Level of Forbidden Creation –Isomer 75/Type II  by 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
6Chaotic EntropyIt Forbidden Creation –Isomer 75/ Type II triggers an Elemental Absorption, all party members gain a 20% Elemental DMG Bonus for the corresponding absorbed element during its duration.

Special Dish

Each character in the Genshin Impact game will have a special Dish. Sucrose’s specialty dish is Nutritious Meal. It looks like some strange alchemical product at first, but Sucrose insists that it is a healthy and nutritious meal. The result of many experiments and painstaking improvements. Its healthy green color comes from a mix of cream and natural vegetable juices.

Sucrose dish
Nutritious Meal

Sets to farm for Sucrose in Genshin Impact

Sucrose is an excellent support character. She will increase the DMG of the party DPS and also she will give a huge amount of Elemental Mastery to all the party members. The best artifact set for Sucrose is Viridescent Venerer.

Artifacts stats

ArtifactMain statSub Stat
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Elemental Mastery
PlumeAttackATK% Crit Rate Crit Damage Elemental Mastery
SandsElemental Mastery /Energy RechargeATK% Crit Rate Crit Damage Elemental Mastery
GobletAnemo  Damage Bonus%ATK% Crit Rate Crit Damage Elemental Mastery
CircletElemental MasteryATK% Crit Rate/Crit Damage Crit Damage Elemental Mastery

Best builds for the character

Sucrose is a character who excels in support her kit will help the main DPS character to deal with more DMG.


WeaponArtifact Set
Sacrificial Fragments 4-Piece Set Viridescent Venerer

Materials required for ascension of Sucrose

The materials needed to In this Genshin Impact Sucrose Guide, we will look at the materials required for the Ascension of Sucrose from level 1 to level 90.

Genshin Impact Sucrose guide
Genshin Impact Sucrose materials
1xVayuda Turquoise Sliver
9xVayuda Turquoise Fragment
9xVayuda Turquoise Chunk
6xVayuda Turquoise Gemstone
46xHurricane Seed
168xWindwheel Aster
18xWhopperflower Nectar
30xShimmering Nectar
36xEnergy Nectar
Experience414 Hero’s wit, 13 Adventurer’s XP, 22 Wanderers advice, and 1,672,000 Mora

Talent Upgrade Materials for Sucrose

3XTeachings of Freedom
21XGuide to Freedom
38XPhilosophies of Freedom
6XWhopperflower Nectar
22XShimmering Nectar
31XEnergy Nectar
6XSpirit Locket of Boreas
1XCrown of Insight

Best weapons for Sucrose in Genshin Impact

As Sucrose is extraordinary support, weapons with Energy recharge and Elemental Mastery would be a great addition to her ability.

  • Sacrificial Fragments (4*)
  • Mappa Mare (4*)
  • Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (3*)
Sucrose Sacrificial Fragments
Sacrificial Fragments

Best Team Comp

Sucrose is an excellent support character. Sucrose is the most reliable character even in the end game. There is no limit for Sucrose team comp. she is more flexible with every team comp, every team in the Spiral Abyss needs an Anemo user to increase the DMG.

How to unlock Sucrose in Genshin Impact

Sucrose can be obtained from both Event and Standard Banners. Each 20 days Event and Weapon Banner will change. Sometimes Sucrose will be a rate-up character. Since she is a 4-star character, she is available in all the banners including Weapon Banner.

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