Genshin Impact has been through a couple of banners now and you are all probably wondering what you should spend your precious Prismogems on. This Genshin Impact summoning guide will help you by explaining what each banner has and who you should be wishing for in the game.
What are the Banners in Genshin Impact?
Beginner’s Wish

If you’re a new player, one of the first banners you will see is the Beginner’s Wish banner. This banner guarantees you a 4★ Noelle from your first 10 summons. Along with the guaranteed summon, this banner is also at a 20% discounted rate. You are only able to 20 summons from this banner. But at this rate, it’s recommended you spend your first Prismogems here.
Sparkling Steps

The next banner that you would see is the newly introduced Sparkling Steps limited event banner. This banner contains a higher rate of summoning for 5★ Klee. So if you’d really like that character should try and summon here. If Klee isn’t to your taste the banner also contains rate ups for 4★ Noelle, 4★ Sucrose, and 4★ Xingqui. If you weren’t able to obtain Venti from Ballad in Goblets Limited banner, then Sucrose is a good alternative. While Noelle is already given to you from the Beginner’s Wish banner, obtaining duplicates here would allow you to increase her constellation. This would give you a huge power boost. Sadly, there isn’t a dedicated water DPS at the moment, which makes Xingqui fall short but, as Childe seems to be coming in version 1.1 we might see Xingqui’s true power then.
Epitome Evocation

After the previous Invocation banner ran its course, miHoYo has given us a new banner to take its place. While many people hoped it wouldn’t be a weapon banner, this banner did manage to change a few minds. This new banner contains 7 rate up weapons: two 5★ and five 4★. Out of these items you really just want to pull for the 5★. The two marquee items are the 5★ Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds and 5★ Wolf’s Gravestone. Depending on if your team requires a 2H sword or if you just pulled Klee from her banner and you’d want to try and get her a weapon, this banner contains very good equipment.
Wanderlust Invocation

The third banner and arguably the worst to summon on is the Wanderlust invocation banner, this banner contains no rate up. If the lack of a rate up was all then this banner wouldn’t be particularly bad. But if you’re only looking for characters or only weapons this banner wouldn’t help you either way as both exist in the banner. This would mean you could get a 5★ weapon when hoping for a 5★ character or vice versa. Since the summoning pool is crowded with weapons and units it makes summoning for specific things almost impossible. We would not recommend summoning from this banner at all.
What is Pity in Genshin Impact and how does it work?
You might have heard of the term Pity tossed around in regards to the banner system, if you haven’t well here’s the rundown. In Gacha games since you’re essentially taking chance to get the characters, the odds are you could play for 10 years and never pull a 5★, that’s where pity comes in. In Genshin Impact, you will be guaranteed one 4★ in every 10 summons, that’s 10 singles or one 10x summon.

There is also a pity for 5★ but, that’s at 90 summons. MiHoYo devs have also confirmed that the pity carries over to the next banner that takes its spot. We previously had the Venti banner Ballad in Goblets in and if you summoned 80 units and didn’t get Venti. That means the next Limited Banner Sparkling Steps, now starts at that pity of 80, so you’d be guaranteed Klee in 10 summons! Use this knowledge to get the most out of your summons!

In order to check how close to the pity you are, the game allows you to see you summon history.
We hope that you’ll find this Genshin Impact Summoning Guide useful. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below.
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