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Genshin Impact: The Complete Eula Constellations Guide and Tips

The best constellations for Eula in Genshin Impact!

“Dance of the Shimmering Wave” Eula is an event-exclusive claymore wielding 5* character. Despite having a Cryo vision, her DMG type is focused on Physical. She is the only viable Physical DPS unit in the entire game and faces no competition from any other character. She is one of a kind, which works both for and against her favor. Eula is having her first rerun in over a year, and this article will go over the pull value of her constellations in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: Eula and her constellations 

Constellation LevelDescription
C1 Tidal Illusion
Every time Icetide Vortex’s Grimheart stacks are consumed, Eula’s Physical DMG is increased by 30% for 6s. Each stack consumed will increase the duration of this effect by 6s up to a maximum of 18s.
C2 Lady of Seafoam
Decreases the CD of Icetide Vortex’s Holding Mode, rendering it identical to Tapping CD.
C3 Lawrence Pedigree
Increases the Level of Glacial Illumination by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 The Obstinacy of One’s Inferiors
Lightfall Swords deal 25% increased DMG against opponents with less than 50% HP.
C5 Lawrence Pedigree
Increases the Level of Glacial Illumination by 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Noble Obligation
Lightfall Swords created by Glacial Illumination start with 5 stacks of energy. Normal Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts have a 50% chance to grant the Lightfall Sword an additional stack of energy.

Genshin Impact Eula guide: Breakdown of Eula’s constellations

C1: Tidal Illusion

This constellation gives Eula some free DMG gain while not having to change anything about her playstyle.

C2: Lady of Seafoam

This constellation is more useful when Eula’s burst is having a downtime. It can increase particle generation.

C3: Lawrence Pedigree

The majority of Eula’s DMG comes from her burst, so this constellation is super useful, it is her second-best constellation after C6.

Genshin Impact Eula Constellations
Image via HoYoverse

C4: The Obstinacy of One’s Inferiors

The DMG bonus is additive with other sources of Physical DMG bonus, so the overall value of this constellation is pretty low. Eula is generally built with a lot of Physical DMG bonus% anyway, at this point she prefers more ATK than DMG bonuses.

C5: Chivalric Quality

Eula’s skill is not an important contributor to her overall DMG. C5 is only a stepping stone to her best constellation.

C6: Noble Obligation

This is her best constellation. While her burst stacks cap out at 30, it is not realistically possible to hit 30 stacks pre-C6. With C6 it becomes very easy to reach close to 30 stacks. C6 will give Eula the largest theoretically possible nuke in the entire game.

Final Thoughts

Eula is one of those characters that work just fine at C0, but her best constellation is C6. Unlike most recent 5* characters, Eula does not have a good early constellation for free-to-plays to stop at. It is either C0 or C6 with Eula. Whales who C6 her are rewarded handsomely with big damage-per-screenshot numbers, while free-to-plays with their C0 Eula can also enjoy pretty good DMG numbers thanks to her ridiculously high scaling burst. 

What are your thoughts on the constellations on Eula in Genshin Impact? Let us know in the comments below!

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