Motorsport Rivals is a new F1-themed multiplayer racing game brought to you by Playsport Games. The game allows players to compete against real-time players based on powerup cards and boosts which are at the disposal of players in the game. Multiple challenges are in place for the players to undertake in the form of tournaments and clan-specific tasks. In this Motorsport Rivals beginners guide we will list out the best tips and tricks that the players would need in order to succeed in the game.
Get the basics right to succeed in races
Motorsport Rivals is not like other racing games, it offers a different and unique gameplay as per developers. Players have to regularly spin the box for rewards which are in the form of boosts and other important perks necessary for winning the races in the game. The game does not let players take control of the cars in the races however, with the help and use of the powerups they can make an impact in these races.
The gameplay is pretty simple and self-explanatory, players have to just spin for rewards and the game automatically makes use of them resulting in actions in the race. There are multiple powerup cards in the game that players can make use of, however, each card delivers its full potential only when used at the right time.

There are three slots in which players get their powerup action cards, now if all 3 slots get the same powerup card then the effectiveness of that specific powerup gets boosted and players get more help from it. If not, then no boost is acquired and only the powerup is used by the character in the race. There are multiple power-up cards like speed up, block, overtake, and many more which can make a difference in the midst of a race.
Join a community to have access to better races and rewards
The game allows the players to have access to clan-based races and other special events only when they are part of a group or clan in the game. This marks the importance of being a part of such in-game groups additionally the rewards that players can get access to in the game after completing these additional missions provides added benefits and reason as to why someone should join these groups.

Additionally, these groups allow players to share in-game gifts and other resources with other players who once claimed, send back gifts and other items, resulting in a proper stream of rewards at the players’ disposal. Players can regularly make use of this feature in the game to stack up better rewards and power-up cards.
Motorsport Rivals Beginners Guide: Tips and Tricks
After investing multiple hours in the game, the following are the tips and tricks that we have come across for the players to learn.
1. Energy is necessary for players to claim rewards
The game has a detailed energy bar in the top right-hand side of the gameplay where players can make use of the powerup cards from. The energy drains with every spin that the players make use of and it increases if players pull the energy card from the cards on offer. With every race, players will have the opportunity to improve their strategy and bring glory to their team.

Players can conserve or have a concrete plan around the energy bar in the game, they can play or draw the cards at specific time intervals to make sure that sufficient energy lasts throughout the game or draw cards only when needed to make sure that the energy bar stays intact for as long a time possible.
2. Utilize the Experience Cards to improve AI driving skills
As stated before the game does not allow the players to take control of the game fully and only lets them choose and play the cards in the game with each having different roles and powerups for the players to make use of. Experience cards are special cards in the game which allow the players to get some free experience points contributed to the driver’s level.

With the addition of the experience points to the driver’s name players now get better AI skills which are utilized in the driving and allow better conservation of energy as a lesser amount of character cards are now used.
3. Overtake opponents for a speed bonus
Overtaking is probably the most skill-based feature in the game which the players should make use of in a bid to gain some extra speed and win the race. Overtaking can be done via the power-up cards present in the game or when the opposite racer comes too close to the player. Overtaking not only allows the players to have a lead in the team but also allows them to get a boost of speed in the game.

Overtaking has a lot of luck factor attached to it though with the game making it difficult to overtake other opponents in time. There are 3 directions from which players can overtake other players but the player being overtaken also has the power to block the move by moving in the same direction as the one who is overtaking. In the end, it all comes down to skill to guess and luck to play.
4. Complete the Quests for in-game rewards
Rewards give extra credit and in-game currency for the players to use and make an impact in the game. There are different sets of rewards in place for the players to make use of and each achievement allows the players to level up in the game as well as provides experience points too. Quests are refreshed regularly and it can allow the players to have access to new items and in-game access on a more frequent basis.
5. Participate in different championships to collect bigger rewards

Events in the game offer many different opportunities for the players to win big rewards after completing such events. There are new events in place in every specific interval and players can make use of these events to win big in the game. The rules are simple stay in the top x percent of players on the leaderboard as specified in each tournament and win big.
Final Thoughts
The game, Motorsport Rivals offers very basic and simple-to-understand gameplay with just a lottery-like system where players can try their luck and draw for power cards in the game to boost their performance in the game. We hope that with this Motorsport Rivals Beginners guide, we were able to do the game justice and explain the basics properly.
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