
Omega Strikers free codes and how to redeem them (September 2023)

Redeem your free rewards in no time!

Omega Strikers offer a fast-paced action-packed air hockey experience that can be played along with friends. From the house of Odyssey Interactive, it provides a setting where you win the game by eliminating your opponent rather than by scoring goals. Users need to unlock new characters/Strikers and with distinctive skills, then transform their appearance with fantastical skins. The popularity and love that the game is receiving, have warranted free in-game promotional codes from the developers, as a token of thanksgiving. In this article, we will list all the available active free redeem codes in Omega Strikers as of now and the rewards they give and also explain to you how you can redeem these codes.

How to get free redeem codes in Omega Strikers

Who does not like freebies? We all would never miss out on anything that we would get for free in a game. Game Codes play a major role in getting us freebies, and the Developers would drop a couple of events so that we get some freebies in return.

The same goes for Omega Strikers where the developers at Odyssey Interactive have been kind enough to give us massive rewards when we use the numerous coupon codes they provided. The good news is that Omega Strikers does have free promo codes that can get you all sorts of in-game resources such as stylish skins, emotes, cosmetic unlocks, and other exclusive items.

To get the in-game rewards, you will need to redeem the codes which is a very easy process. In this article, we will provide you with a list of the latest codes in Omega Strikers, explain how the codes work, how to redeem them, and the redeemable in-game rewards.

Omega Strikers free codes and rewards

These are the free redeemable codes that you can enter to get awesome exclusive rewards. While these codes are active and working as of when this article is being penned down, it is highly plausible that they will expire soon. So hurry up and enter the codes below to get cool gifts! Below is the list of free available codes for Omega Strikers that players can redeem to get awesome free rewards:

Omega Strikers Redeem Code Rewards
Image via Odessey Interactive
Free CodesRewards
5UPBlau3 Emoticon
COMFYLily Emoticon
BLAUBlau3 Emoticon
CODEPlaceholder2 Emoticon
DYRUSDyrus Emoticon
DUCKYDucky Emoticon
HAFUHafu Emoticon
ENVIOSITYEnviosity Emoticon
LESLERSFuslie Emoticon
MOISTMoist Emoticon
NECRITPlaceholder3 Emoticon
NEMUNemu Emoticon
RAKINRakin Emoticon
ONIMARTOnigiri Emoticon
RAYDITZRayditz Emoticon
SYKKUNOSykkuno Emoticon
TACOIKeepItTaco Emoticon
TORITori Emoticon
TUONTOTuonto Emoticon
VIENNAVienna Emoticon
ASUASU_Esports_Association Emoticon
BOSTONBoston_College_Gaming Emoticon
CHICOChico Emoticon
CMUCMU Emoticon
ESPORTSFSEsports_Club_at_Florida_State Emoticon
GARDENSTATEGarden_State_Esports Emoticon
GEORGIATECHGT Esports Emoticon
GCUGCU Esports Emoticon
HAMBURGERHamburger Emoticon
HARRISBURGHarrisburg Emoticon
DUSSELDORFDusseldorf Emoticon
IHSEAIHSEA Esports Emoticon
IENIEN Emoticon
KINGKing Emoticon
LIBERTYLiberty_Esports Emoticon
MSSTATEMississippi_State_University_Esports Emoticon
OHNORTHERNOhio_Northern_University_Esports Emoticon
OKWESLEYANOklahoma Wesleyan University Emoticon
PURDUEPurdue_University_Gamers_Group Emoticon
RWURWU_Esports Emoticon
RUTGERSRutgers_Esports Emoticon
STLOUISSaint_Louis_University_Esports Emoticon
SPARTANSSpartans Emoticon
SHERIDANSheridan_Esports Emoticon
SLIPPERYROCKSlippery_Rock_Esports Emoticon
TEMPLETemple_Esports Emoticon
TXSTTXST_Esports Emoticon
ILLINIIllini_Esports Emoticon
BRUINGGBruin_Gaming Emoticon
UNCCHUNC_Chapl_Hill_Esports Emoticon
WILDCATSWildcats Emoticon
UBCUBC Emoticon
UCFUCF_Esports Emoticon
UOTTAWAuOttawa_Esports Emoticon
WATERLOOWaterloo_Warriors Emoticon
UWRFUWRF_Esports Emoticon
UWSTOUTUW_Stout_Esports Emoticon
WINTHROPWinthrop_University Emoticon

Make sure you enter the codes exactly how they appear in the table. We will be updating the list from time as new redeem codes arrive and remove the expired ones from the list.

How to redeem the free codes in Omega Strikers

Redeeming Free Gifts in Omega Strikers involves simple and hassle-free steps. For those who are new to the game, here is the step-wise guide to redeeming these Gifts from the in-game home screen.

  • From the in-game home screen, head to the Store section. You will find it in the top left corner of the home screen. However, if you are a newbie, to access the Store section you need to first unlock it by completing the initial set of missions. This would require playing a match or two.
  • Under the Store section, you will come across the Coupon option, located at the bottom of the page. Tap on that.
Omega Strikers Redeem Code Section
Image via Odessey Interactive
  • A pop-up window would appear next, asking you to enter the Coupon code. Make sure that you enter them exactly as they are.
  • Tap on the Submit button next. The claimable emoticon reward would immediately show up on your screen.
  • Tap on the Claim button to claim your reward immediately!

These are all the codes that are working and tested, for now. We’ll update this space as soon as we get to know more redeemable codes for Omega Strikers.

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