
Pokémon Go: Best Moveset and Counters for Hisuian Sneasal

Guide for the best counters against Hisuian Sneasal during Battle Raids!

Hisuian Sneasal is a Tier 1 Raid Boss in Pokémon Go which looks pretty similar to its Johto variant as both of them live in similar cliffside environments. Its body comprises white and purple colors while the left ear has a light purple colour. Its shoulders, face, and chest have dark purple spots. As it is a Tier 1 boss, it won’t be much of a tough battle to fight. In this guide, we are going to talk about the best ways and counters to defeat Hisuian Sneasal in Pokémon Go as quickly as possible.

Hisuian Sneasal in Pokémon Go

Hisuian Sneasal is a dual-type Fighting and Poison Pokémon. It has a Raid Boss CP of 6340 and is vulnerable to Ground, Psychic, and Flying-type counters. It even has a 2x weakness towards Psychic-type attacks which gives the players an upper hand in battle. It is easily solvable by any player regardless of their experience in the game as long as they use the right counter types.

Hisuian Sneasal Movesets

Pokémon Go Hisuian Sneasal Counters
Image via Niantic

The best moves from the moveset of Hisuian Sneasal are Poison Jab and Close Combat. Both of them have a combined DPS of 67.2 and it is also the best combination of moves that can be used in Pokémon Gyms and PvP battles. Other decent attacks from its moveset include Rock Smash, X-Scissor, and Aerial Ace.

Best counters against Hisuian Sneasal in Pokémon Go

Here’s the list of the best counters that one can use against Hisuian Sneasal and guarantee a win for themselves.

  • Alakazam (Mega): Psycho Cut/Psychic
  • Hoopa (Unbound): Confusion/Psychic
  • Gardevoir (Mega): Confusion/Synchronoise
  • Latias (Mega): Zen Headbutt/Psychic
  • Latios (Mega): Zen Headbutt/Psychic
  • Slowbro (Mega): Confusion/Psychic
  • Mewtwo: Confusion/Psystrike
  • Alakazam: Confusion/Future Sight
  • Articuno (Galarian): Psycho Cut/Future Sight
  • Deoxys (Attack): Zen Headbutt/Psycho Boost
  • Pidgeot (Mega): Wing Attack/Brave Bird
  • Gallade: Confusion/Psychic
  • Lunala: Confusion/Psychic
  • Espeon: Confusion/Psychic
  • Gardevoir: Confusion/Psychic
  • Azelf: Extrasensory/Future Sigh
  • Hoopa (Confined): Confusion/Psychic
  • Gengar (Mega): Shadow Claw/Psychic
  • Latios: Zen Headbutt/Psychic
  • Metagross: Zen Headbutt/Psychic
  • Mesprit: Extrasensory/Future Sight
  • Deoxys (Normal): Zen Headbutt/Psycho Boost
  • Groudon (Primal): Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
  • Rapidash (Galarian): Psycho Cut/Psychic
  • Medicham (Mega): Psycho Cut/Psychic
  • Swampert (Mega): Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Regigas: Zen Headbutt/Giga Impact
  • Reuniclus: Zen Headbutt/Future Sight
  • Blaziken (Mega): Fire Spin/Brave Bird
  • Tapu Lele: Confusion/Future Sight
  • Exeggutor: Bullet Seed/Psychic
  • Meloetta (Aria): Confusion/Psychock
  • Jynx: Confusion/Psychoc
  • Charizard (Mega Y): Wing Attack/Overheat
  • Gengar: Hex/Psychic
Pokémon Go Hisuian Sneasal Counters
Image via Niantic

Players should try to include their best Psychic Pokémon in their team as they will have a 2x effect on Hisuian Sneasal which will make sure they win this battle raid.

What are your thoughts about our guide on Hisuian Sneasal counters in Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments below!

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