
Pokémon Go: Best Moveset and Counters for Legendary Pokémon Regigigas

Guide for the best counters against Regigigas during Battle Raids!

Regigigas is a pretty large Pokémon that resembles the original three Regi Pokémon. It is white in color and has black stripes on its body along with yellow plates on its wrists, and shoulders, and another one in its upper region. It also has moss growing on its feet and back. It has no visible neck or head but has long arms and short legs. It is quite a tough Pokémon to fight against and players will need all the manpower they can get and the right counters and conditions to defeat it. So in this Pokémon Go guide, we are going to talk about the best ways and counters with which one can defeat Regigigas with as much ease as possible.

Regigigas in Pokémon Go

Regigigas is a Normal type Pokémon with a boss CP of 55480 and is vulnerable to Fighting and Normal-type attacks. It is a very tough opponent to fight against and shouldn’t be taken lightly at all. Even high-level players with the right counters should take at least 5 to 7 players with them into battle with the right counters and under the right conditions. Low-level players should in no way go in teams of lesser than 8 people if they want to have a winning chance.

Regigigas Movesets

Pokémon Go Regigigas Movesets
Image via Niantic

The best moves from the moveset of Regigigas are Hidden Power and Giga Impact. Both of them have a combined DPS of 63.1 and it is also the best combination of moves that can be used during PvP battles and in Pokémon Gyms. Other decent attacks from its move pool include Zen Headbutt, Thunder, and Focus Blast.

Best counters against Regigigas in Pokémon Go

Here’s the list of the best counters that one can use against Regigigas and guarantee a win for themselves.

  • Blaziken (Mega): Counter/Focus Blast
  • Alakazam (Mega): Counter/Focus Blast
  • Terrakion: Double Kick/Sacred Sword
  • Lopunny (Mega): Double Kick/Focus Blast
  • Keldeo: Low Kick/Focus Blast
  • Keldeo (Ordinary): Low Kick/Sacred Sword
  • Latios (Mega): Dragon Breath/Psychic
  • Swampert (Mega): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
  • Medicham (Mega): Counter/Dynamic Punch
  • Salamence (Mega): Dragon Tail/Outrage
  • Sceptile (Mega): Fury Cutter/Frenzy Plant
  • Gengar (Mega): Sucked Punch/Focus Blast
  • Charizard (Mega Y): Fire Spin/Blast Burn
  • Lucario: Counter/Aura Sphere
  • Conkeldurr: Counter/Dynamic Punch
  • Gardevoir (Mega): Confusion/Psychic
  • Latias (Mega): Dragon Breath/Psychic
  • Pheromosa: Low Kick/Focus Blast
  • Blastoise (Mega): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
  • Ampharos (Mega): Charge Beam/Focus Blast
  • Machamp: Karate Chop/Dynamic Punch
  • Beedrill (Mega): Bug Bite/Sludge Bomb
  • Kyogre (Primal): Waterfall/Origin Pulse
  • Groudon (Primal): Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
  • Breloom: Counter/Dynamic Punch
  • Gyarados (Mega): Bite/Hydro Pump
  • Charizard (Mega X): Fire Spin/Blast Burn
  • Cobalion: Double Kick/Sacred Sword
  • Zapdos (Galarian): Counter/Close Combat
  • Aerodactyl (Mega): Rock Throw/Rock Slide
  • Meloetta (Pirouette): Low Kick/Close Combat
  • Manectric (Mega): Thunder Fang/Wild Charge
  • Hariyama: Counter/Dynamic Punch
  • Virizion: Double Kick/Sacred Sword
  • Buzzwole: Counter/Superpower
Pokémon Go Regigigas
Image via Niantic

As it is a very difficult enemy for high and low-level players alike, having a good team becomes essential even under the right conditions. Good options to include in the team are Machamp, Breloom, Hariyama, Lucario, and Conkeldurr amongst other Pokémon.

What are your thoughts about our guide on Regigigas counters in Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments below!

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