Vulpix along with five other legendary Pokémon has appeared in Pokémon Go. Vulpix is a tough Pokémon to defeat, but like every other tough Pokémon, Vulpix also has its vulnerabilities which can be used against it with the best counter moves. Here’s our Pokémon Go guide on the best possible raid counters and move sets to defeat Vulpix.
Vulpix in Pokémon Go

Vulpix is a fire-type Pokémon that is currently featured in Pokémon Go as a Tier 1 Raid boss. Since Vulpix is a fire-type Pokémon it is extremely vulnerable to Water, Rock, and Ground-type moves. But strategy and the correct use of moves will remain the key factor to defeating Mega Pidgeot during battle raids.
Vulpix Movesets
Vulpix has several movesets that it can use to make it difficult for its opponents during battle raids, but its best set of fast moves includes Ember and Quick attack while its best-charged moves include Flamethrower, Body Slam, and Weather Ball.
Best Counters against Vulpix in Pokémon Go
These are the best movesets and counters available to effectively defeat Vulpix during battle raids in Pokémon Go.

- Rompardos: Smackdown/Rockslide
- Groudon: Mudshot/Earthquake
- Landorus: Mudshot/Earthquake
- Garchomp: Mudshot/Earthquake
- Kingler: Bubble/Crabhammer
- Rhyperior: Mudslap/Stone edge
- Feraligatr: Water Gun/Hydro cannon
- Swampert: Water Gun/ Hydro cannon
- Kyogre: Waterfall/Surf
- Excadrill: Mudshot/Drill run
- Lycanroc: Rock throw/Stone edge
- Mamoswine: Mud Slap/Stone edge
- Salamence: Dragon tail/Hydro pump
- Palkia: Dragon breath/Hydro pump
- Terrakion: Smackdown/Sacred sword
- Clawitzer: Water Gun/crab hammer
- Landorus: Rock throw/Earth Power
- Deoxys: Zen headbutt/Zap Cannon
- Tyrantrum: Rock throw/Stone edge
- Mewtwo: Confusion/Psystrike
- Omastar: Rock throw/Hydro pump
- Golem: Rock throw/Stone edge
- Crawdaunt: Waterfall/Crabhammer
- Floatzel: Waterfall/Hydro pump
- Hoopa: Confusion/Psychic
- Sharpedo: Waterfall/Hydro pump
- Rhydon: Mud Slap/Earthquake
- Donphan: Mud Slap/Earthquake
- Nihilego: Acid/Rock slide
- Dugtrio: Mud Slap/Earthquake
Do remember that the Shadow Pokémon have not been included in this list keeping in mind the high costs to build. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot use the ones you already have, as they are the best to counter Vulpix.
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