Team GO Rocket Grunts first debuted in 2019 and since then they have been taking over Pokéstops to steal items and fight Trainers who come in their way. They are also sometimes spotted flying across the sky in Team GO Rocket air balloons. If players want to acquire Shadow Pokémon, they will first need to defeat the villains of Team Rocket GO Grunts. In our Pokémon Go guide, we will discuss some of the effective counters with which trainers can beat Team GO Rocket Grunts.
- Coiled and ready to Strike!
- Normal doesn’t mean weak!
- ROAR!… How’d that sound?
- These waters are treacherous!
- Don’t tangle with us!
- Battle against my Flying-type Pokémon!
- Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get?
- Go, my super bug Pokémon!
- You’ll be defeated into the ground!
- Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?
- Let’s rock and roll!
- Ke…ke…ke…ke…ke…ke…
- This buff physique isn’t just for show!
- You’re gonna be frozen in your tracks!
- Wherever there is light, there is also shadow!
- Get ready to be shocked!
- Don’t bother – I’ve already won! Get ready to be defeated! Winning is for winners!
- Check out my cute Pokémon!
How to counter and defeat Team GO Rocket Grunts in Pokémon Go
Grunts are the lowest ranking members of Team GO Rocket in Pokémon Go but that doesn’t mean fighting them will be an easy job. They can be quite difficult to fight against without proper counters and it’s even more difficult for a player who is using a Mono typed team is more likely to get countered.
Fortunately, just before a battle, every Grunt of Team GO Rocket taunts the players with a single dialogue which also has a hidden hint in it about the following lineup of them. According to that players can choose their Pokémon and counter them with their complete potential. Here are the taunts that the Team GO Rocket Grunts might use and their following lineups according to them in Pokémon Go.
Coiled and ready to Strike!

Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Nidoran(M) | Nidorina | Muk |
Zubat | Nidorino | Weezing |
Foongus |
The best counters for these Pokémons will be from the following Ground type Pokémons
- Mud-Slap
- Rhyperior
- Mamoswine
- Excadrill
- Groudon
- Garchomp
Players can get the hint that they will have to fight against Poison-type Pokemon when Grunts use the taunt stated above. Even if the players don’t have the Pokemon listed above for the counter, they can use their best Ground type Pokémon and still win pretty easily. The catchable Pokemon from this encounter are Nidoran(M), Foongus, Nidorina, Weezing, and Zubat.
Normal doesn’t mean weak!

This Grunt will use Normal-type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Whismur | Loudred | Ursaring |
Rattata | Raticate | Raticate |
Patrat | Bidoof | Bibarel |
The best counters for these Pokemons will be from the following Fighting type Pokémons
- Machamp
- Breloom
- Location
The recommended Pokémon for this fight will be Machamp as it has the strongest counters against this team along with Lucario and Breloom being other great options. These Pokemon take the most damage from Fighting-type Pokémon, so the players need to ensure they have their best Fighting types on their team. The catchable Pokémon from these encounters include Bidoof, Rattata, Raticate, Whismur Patrat, and Loudred.
ROAR!… How’d that sound?

This Grunt will use Dragon-type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Dratini | Dragonair | Dragonite |
Exeggutor(Alola) | Flygon | Dragonair |
Exeggutor(Alola) | Flygon |
The best counters against these Pokémon will be from the following Ice and Fairy types Pokémon:
- Mamoswine
- Glaceon
- Walrein
- Gardevoir
- Togekiss
- Dragonite
- Garchomp
For these Pokemons using Ice and Fairy type Pokemons is the safest bet as all the Pokemons against the players will be only Dragon type. Catchable Pokémons from this encounter include Dratini and Alolan Exeggutor.
These waters are treacherous!
This dialogue is used by both male and female Grunts. Each of them has a different set of Pokemons. The possible encounters vary according to the gender of the Grunt, though both of them will have Water type Pokémons
Female Grunt

Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Totodile | Croconaw | Feralogatr |
Mudkip | Marshtomp | Swampert |
- Male Grunt

Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Magikarp | Magikarp | Magikarp |
Gyarados |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Electric and Grass-type Pokemon:
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Sceptile
- Vanusaur
- Roserade
- Raikou
- Magnezone
As this encounter will only have Water type Pokémons, players can use both Electric and Grass-type for counters. The catchable Pokemons from this encounter are Totodile, Mudkip, Croconaw, Marshtomp, and Magikarp.
Don’t tangle with us!

This taunt will be used by Grunts using Grass type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Chikorita | Cacturne | Meganium |
Cacnea | Cacturne | |
Amoonguss |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Fire and Flying type Pokémons
- Moltres
- Charizard
- Enter
- Talonflame
For this encounter, the best option is to use Fire-type Pokémons while Flying types are the second best option. Defeating these Grass-type Pokémons is pretty easy by using any of the above-mentioned Pokémons. Catchable Pokémons from this fight include Chikorita, Cacturne, and Meganium.
Battle against my Flying-type Pokémon!

This taunt is used by Grunts using Flying type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Starly | Golbat | Dragonite |
Murkrow | Staravia | Crobat |
Ducklett | Gyarados |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Rock type of Pokémons
- Tyranitor
- Rhyperior
- Magnezone
- Raikou
In this encounter, the Grunts use the combination of Flying-type Pokémon families like Zubat and Starly, and thus the best counter type is Rock as it resists both Normal and Poison-type attacks. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter include Starly, Ducklett, and Murkrow.
Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get?

Grunts who use this taunt have a lineup of Fire-type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Cyndaquil | Quilava | Typhlosion |
Numel | Magmar | Camerupt |
Ninetales |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Rock, Ground, and Water-type Pokémons
- Tyranitor
- Rhyperior
- Kyogre
- Swampert
- Garchomp
Players can use Rock, Ground, and Water-type counters as all of them resist Fire-type Pokémons and thus they will be very effective in defeating these Grunts. It’s best to keep Pokémons like Swampert, Garchomp, and Tyranitor in one’s team. The catchable Pokemons from this encounter are Cyndaquil, Charmander, Numel Camerupt, and Quilava.
Go, my super bug Pokémon!
Grunts using this taunt have a lineup made up of Bug-type Pokémons and the possible encounters include

Pokémon#1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Shuckle | Skorupi | Pinsir |
Weedle | Beedrill | Forretress |
Scizor |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Fire types Pokémon:
- Charizard
- Moltres
- Entei
- Pyroar
Fire-type Pokémons are the best counters against Bug and Steel-type Pokémons while Flying and Rock-type are decent second options. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Shuckle, Weedle, Skorupi, and Beedrill.
You’ll be defeated into the ground!
This taunt is used by Grunts using Ground type Pokémons and the possible encounters include

Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Hippopotas | Hippopotas | Hippowdon |
Geodude | Graveler | Golem |
Camerupt |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Water, Grass, and Ice-type Pokémons
- Gyarados
- Venusaur
- Mamoswine
- Weavile
- Kyogre
The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Hippopotas and Geodude.
Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?
This taunt is used by Grunts having Psychic type Pokémons and the possible encounters include

Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Abra | Ralts | Metang |
Girafarig | Girafarig | Hypno |
Girafarig |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Dark and Ghost Pokémons
- Tyranitar
- Weavile
- Houndoom
- Darkrai
- Hydreigon
- Giratina (Origin)
Psychic-type Pokémons can be easily taken down using Dark and Ghost-type Pokémons. Giratina (Origin) is itself strong enough to take down the whole roaster mentioned above by itself. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Abra, Ralts, and Girafarig.
Let’s rock and roll!

This taunt will be flaunted by Grunts using Rock-type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Sudowoodo | Anorith | Pupitar |
Geodude | Graveler | Golem |
Larvitar | Lileep | Tyranitar |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Fighting type Pokémons
- Lucario
- Machamp
- Swampert
- Kyogre
- Garchomp
All of the Pokémons from this encounter can be easily defeated by Fighting Pokémons so having the Pokémons mentioned above for the counters is the only thing the players need to do for an easy win. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Sudowoodo, Geodude, Larvitar, Lileep, and Anorith.

Grunts using this taunt will be having Ghost-type Pokémons in their line up and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Sableye | Duscolps | Sableye |
Misdreavus | Banette | Banette |
Duskull | Dusknoir |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Fairy and Dark type Pokémons
- Weavile
- Darkrai
- Gengar
- Tyranitar
- Sylveon
- Gardevoir
- Togekiss
This encounter might be a little difficult for players and some of their Pokémons might be even defeated as Ghost-type Pokémons are quite hard-hitting. They would want to have a Fairy-type Pokémon like Sylveon in their team along with some of the best Dark-type Pokémons available to the players to put forth a tough fight. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Sableye and Misdreavus.
This buff physique isn’t just for show!

This taunt will be used by Grunts having Fighting type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Machop | Hitmonchan | Hitmonchan |
Makuhita | Hitmonlee | Hitmonlee |
Machoke | Machoke |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Psychic, Fairy, and Flying-type Pokémons
- Alakazam
- Gardevoir
- Mewtwo
- Togekiss
- Lugia
This encounter will have strong fighters and the players should have at least one of the Psychic type Pokémons listed above as they will be the best counter against them. Players can also keep Fairy and Flying-type Pokémons in their teams. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Makuhita and Machop.
You’re gonna be frozen in your tracks!

Grunts using this taunt will have Ice type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Swinub | Snover | Lapras |
Sandshrew(Alola) | Sandslash(Alola) | Abomasnow |
Cloyster |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Fighting, Fire, and Electric type Pokémons
- Aggron
- Machamp
- Tyranitar
- Snover
The Ice type Pokémons can be quite easily defeated by Fighting and Rock-type attacks. Thought players can keep Electric and Fire type Pokémons in their team too for safety as this encounter might be a little tricky so it’s better to bring in different options into the fight. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Spheal and Alolan Sandshrew.
Wherever there is light, there is also shadow!

This taunt is used by Grunts using Dark type Pokémons and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Purrloin | Stunky | Cacturne |
Rattata (Alola) | Raticate (Alola) | Raticate (Alola) |
Honchkrow |
Following are the best Pokémon Go Team GO Rocket Grunts counters against these Pokémon will be from the following Fighting and Fairy type Pokémons
- Sylveon
- Gardevoir
- Togekiss
- Machamp
- Lucario
Both Fighting and Fairy type counters work on Dark type Pokémons. Players can even bring in a team made of completely Fairy-type Pokémons only and still, it would be easy enough to defeat the Grunt. Players can also add Bug types to their team to deal double damage to the Dark type Pokémons. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Stunky, Alolan Rattata, Raticate, and Purrloin.
Get ready to be shocked!

Grunts using this taunt have Electric type Pokémons in their like up and the possible encounters include
Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Shinx | Electabuzz | Luxray |
Mareep | Voltorb | Electabuzz |
Amphaors |
Following are the best Pokémon Go Team GO Rocket Grunts counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Ground type Pokémon:
- Garchomp
- Groudon
- Rhyperior
- Golem
Garchomp is a must Pokémon players should have in their team while fighting this Grunt because it has triple resistance to Electric-type attacks which makes it a pretty easy fight. The catchable Pokémons from this encounter are Shinx, Mareep, Electabuzz, and Voltorb.
Don’t bother – I’ve already won! Get ready to be defeated! Winning is for winners!
This taunt is also used by both Female and Male Grunts and the possible encounters vary according to their gender. Grunts using this taunt are mostly unpredictable cause they use a mix of different Pokémon types:
Female Grunt

Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Snorlax | Gardevoir | Dragonite |
Poliwrath | Gyarados | |
Snorlax | Snorlax |
The best counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Fighting and Electric type Pokémons
- Machamp
- Lucario
- Metagross
- Magnezone
- Elective
Fighting-type Pokémons like Machamp or Lucario are good to be taken into the team along with Electric-type Pokémons like Magnezone as this encounter would be significantly more challenging than the previous ones. The catchable Pokémon from this encounter is Snorlax.
Male Grunt

Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Chikorita | Bayleef | Typhlosion |
Cyndaquil | Quilava | Typhlosion |
Totodile | Croconaw | Feraligatr |
The best Pokémon Go Team Go Rocket Grunts counters against these Pokémon will be from the following Fire, Ground, and Electric-type Pokémon:
- Volcarona
- Reshiram
- Kyogre
- Rhyperior
- Thundurus
Check out my cute Pokémon!
This taunt is used by Grunts using Fairy-type Pokémon and the possible encounters include:

Pokémon #1 | Pokémon #2 | Pokémon #3 |
Snubbull | Snubbull | Granbull |
Ralts | Kirlia | Kirlia |
Granbull |
Following are the best Pokémon Go Team GO Rocket Grunts counters against these Pokémons will be from the following Steel and Poison-type Pokémon:
- Metagross
- Roserade
- Gengar
- Victreebel
- Dialga
Metagross’ Bullet Punch Roserade’s Poison moves along with Dilaga’s steel moves will help the players secure a very easy victory against these Fairy-type Pokémon. The catchable Pokémon from this encounter is Snubbull and Ralts.
Grunts will select one Pokémon from each of the 3 columns randomly to build a team and the Pokémon can be predicted by looking at the taunts and the possible encounters listed above. Grunts don’t use shields which means the players will have an upper hand in battle and there is also a slight delay in Team GO Rocket Grunts after they use their charge moves which players can take advantage of and make the battle easier for them themselves.
Players are recommended to have Rhyperior in their team along with Lucario whose Power-up Punch attack will be useful against the Team GO Rocket Grunts when there is a delay after they use any charge moves. Charizard is also a great addition to the team as its Fire-type attacks provide good coverage. Having these three Pokémon in one’s team will leave the players with a pretty well-rounded team ready for any attacks from any of the Pokémon Go Team GO Rocket Grunts.
Did you find our guide on Pokémon Go counters to beat Team GO Rocket Grunts helpful? Let us know in the comments below!
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