
Westland Survival: Cowboy: The Complete Survival Guide and Tips

Know the best ways to Survive!

Westland Survival is a storyline-based RPG game where the players customize a character and then jump into the world of Westland where the character has to go through all the tough situations and survive till the end to become the best cowboy of the entire land. But as a beginner, it is quite normal that players will not be having the best survival advice which is required. Hence, let us jump into this detailed Westland Survival Survival Guide and know about the best ways to follow and become the best survivor in the game. 

How to Sustain and Survive in Westland Survival

1. Upgrade your Character

After a level, players get some stat points that can be further used by the players to upgrade some of the vital stats such as:

Westland Survival Inventory stuff
Image via Helio Games
  • Attack 
  • Attack Speed 
  • Defence 
  • Spirit 

These stats are very important and thus players need to upgrade them on a regular basis after a level up so that their character can survive well in Westland Survival. 

2. Craft the best set of Weapons 

Every weapon in the game has a certain time limit till which players can use them. Thus, players have to craft weapons like different types of axes and guns so that they can use them against all other bandits, and wild animals to protect themselves. Players can also use all those types of axes to cut trees and break stones from the forest and collect resources as well. 

3. Keep collecting more and more Resources 

Westland Survival blueprints game
Image via Helio Games

Collecting more resources from forests and mines will help out the players to build some of the best workbenches. Building workbenches will eventually help the players to craft some of the best items such as bandages, cooked meat, and even guns that can actually help them in surviving throughout the game. 

4. Beware of stronger Wild Animals 

Locations such as Pine Forest and Dense Forest have numerous wild animals roaming all around the location. As a beginner, it is pretty obvious that the characters will not be that strong and thus cannot take down all the wild animals. So, be away and careful from all those wild animals so that the character does not die and is able to complete its mission without any failure. 

Final Thoughts

Westland Survival is a marvelous RPG game and it follows up a great storyline that enthuses the players and lets them stick to the game till the end. Thus follow up on this Survival guide so that you survive well in the game and level up faster.

That’s all from us for the Westland Survival: Survival Guide! Did you find our Westland Survival: Survival Guide helpful? Do let us know in the comments!

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