
80% of Gen Z and Millennials play video games as of 2021

From Pacman to PUBG, video games are an integral part of the past and present of all the generations alive today.

Ever since the dawn of modern electronic advancements, video games have been ever-evolving to being a focal part of people’s pastimes and, most of the time, the next generation’s childhood memories. Even some adults today most likely have video games in their childhood memories, from classics like Pacman and Super Mario Brothers to more recent titles like League of Legends and PUBG. This article discusses how much millennials and Gen Z in 2021 love video and mobile games, from the latest report by Newzoo

Gaming patterns of different generations

Gen Z Millennials video games 2021
Number of gamers according to generation, weekly time spent on gaming (Image via Newzoo)

We can infer in the graph above that the generation that loves video games the most is Generation Z, or those born in the 1990s to pre 2010s. As seen from the graph around 81 percent of people from Generation Z are gamers. For Millenials, there is around 71 percent of their total populace play video games. For Generation X there is around 60 percent of them are gamers. And lastly, 42 percent of Baby Boomers are considered gamers.

Another thing we can see in the infographic is how much each of the population’s time is spent on gaming every week. This data also follows the same pattern as the other data. We can see that Generation Z also leads the way with more than 7 hours and 20 minutes being spent every week. Second is Millenials with 6 hours and 50 mins being allotted to gaming per week. The last two are Generation X and Baby Boomers, with 4 hours 25 mins and 2 hours 30 mins respectively.

Gen Z Millennials video games 2021
Consumption of game-related content (Image via Newzoo)

The majority of younger gamers consume game-related stuff (75 percent and 71 percent of Gen Z and Millennial gamers, respectively). Naturally, there is a large overlap between those who play and those who watch. Content creation about video games is slowly become mainstream entertainment, especially on online platforms. As seen from the above infographic, the majority of the consumers of such content are Generation Z and Millenials, as they consider video gaming as their primary source of entertainment.

The playing-viewing overlap makes sense for younger generations, as many young people play competitive online games and look up to gaming content creators as role models. Furthermore, platforms like Twitch and YouTube allow for more contact between fans and artists than more conventional cultural icons, enhancing the bond between viewers and streamers.

Generation Z and Millenials utilize more game platforms

Gen Z Millennials video games 2021
Percentage of players by game platform (Image via Newzoo)

As seen from the infographic above, we can see that the younger the generation, the more they tend to play more platforms as compared to the oldest generation included in the list. The baby boomers mostly play on handheld devices like their mobile phones.

It can also be inferred that younger generations are more agnostic in their game platform preferences. They do not stick to one single platform. This is great as it gives an opportunity for game developers to expand to other gaming platforms without being worried about it not being able to sell to more people.

Gen Z Millennials video games 2021
Popular video games

From Arcades to Hyper-realistic

It is very astonishing to see how video games have evolved ever since the dawn of technological advancements that gave birth to the very first video games up to the hyper-realistic games that we are enjoying today. How further can this activity evolve and travel, something which started as a luxury hobby mostly experienced in arcades and went on to become entertainment that can be had wherever and whenever.

What do you think about this 2021 study that shows that most millennials and Gen Z play video games? Do let us know in the comments below!

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