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Apex Legends Mobile Aftershow update: New Events, Game Modes and more

A new Battle Pass Season begins!

Since it launched a few months ago, Apex Legends Mobile has offered players searching for a taste of Respawn Entertainment’s mobile services a reliable alternative battle royale experience. Now that the newest installment of the mobile game is almost here, Respawn and Electronic Arts have given us a preview of what it will have to offer. The subsequent Battle Pass update in Apex Legends Mobile, named Aftershow will launch on October 5th, and it’ll bring a brand new battle pass, a new way to play Battle Royale, new events, map updates, and updates to the Ranked system.

About the Aftershow Battle Pass

For an unbelievable price, a brand-new Battle Pass with some incredible cosmetics is available! The Aftershow Battle Pass can be unlocked for 299 Syndicate Gold. Despite being shorter than normal, this Battle Pass is nonetheless filled with fantastic goodies!

Apex Legends Mobile Aftershow update
Image via EA

New Game Mode: Solo Battle Royale

Get ready for the ultimate solo challenge. No Teammates, just you and a map full of enemies fighting to be the Apex Champion!

New Seasonal Events in Apex Legends Mobile Aftershow update

Additional reward-filled events will be popping up in the game all through the season. So keep your eyes peeled for these limited-time events that yield awesome rewards!

Take Back – Oct 8th – 18th (0:00 UTC)

  • Fade made his debut on Worlds Edge back in May. If you have yet to unlock this Phasing Punisher, now’s your chance! Complete missions to unlock him during this limited-time event!

Battle Pass Boost- Oct 8th – 10th & Oct 15th – 17th (0:00 UTC)

  • During this time, additional missions will be available to further progress your Battle Pass XP to speed up your progress!

7 Day Log In Streak – Oct 14th – 21st (0:00 UTC)

  • Log in every day during this time period for more rewards and an Epic Loba Skin that will be attainable at the beginning of the Champions Season after Aftershow concludes.

Pro Mode – Oct 11th – 12th (0:00 UTC)

  • During this time additional Seasonal Currency will be up for grabs via special missions for you to complete by playing HACK. Earn extra rewards and empty out the VIP store!

Sniper Showcase – Oct 5th – 11th (0:00 UTC)

Practice your long game with your enemies by completing special sniper missions during this time period for special rewards including the Saltwater Sentinel Skin.

Map Updates

The Dev team will start making some minor adjustments to Kings Canyon on October 12. Pythias Theater and Encore Galore will temporarily disappear from the map. This will have an effect on Battle Royale in general and Ranked. You can still purchase seasonal currency from supply bins all throughout the map, so don’t panic.

Ranked Updates

Complete missions on select weekends to earn Rank Protection cards that will help protect you from losing points during a match should you or your teammates run into any unlucky circumstances!

Each day of the event:

Log in to claim a Ranked Level Protector – which will automatically prevent the loss of ranking points, if that loss would lower your Ranking.

Complete two Ranked matches to earn a Ranked Point Protector – which will automatically prevent the loss of ranking points if your hot drop goes awry!

All Ranked Level and Ranked Point protection will expire after 7 days or when the season ends, you will be notified automatically when they expire. This protection will only be available by engaging in the events, and will not be available for purchase, so mark your calendars!

Ranked Protection Card Event Schedule:

  • Oct 8th – 10th (0:00 UTC)
  • Oct 15th – 17th (0:00 UTC)

Play With Your Friends

Up until Platinum, we have removed any rank restrictions of who can party up together to play a ranked game. For example, if you are gold and your friend just getting established as an Apex Champion is climbing through Bronze, you will now be able to play Ranked together!

We hope you find this Apex Legends Mobile Aftershow update article helpful. Then, please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone. 

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