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Apex Legends Mobile introduces the Eyes In the Sky event in Season 2.5 with free rewards

Grab free and season-exclusive rewards!

With Season 2.5 going live in Apex Legends Mobile, the new mid-seasonal store – Hyperbeat Hub added a number of new events for players to participate in and earn exciting rewards. The event titled Eyes in the Sky celebrates the newly added legend Crypto in the game, as players can lay their hands on the exclusive Crypto’s Skeletal Surveillance legend skin.

Eyes In The Sky event brings missions with amazing free rewards

The primary objective of this event is to earn challenge points by completing a series of missions by playing with different legends in battle royale and hack mode. Upon completing the entire event, players will obtain a total of 100 challenge points and unlock all four rewards

Eye in the sky event
Image via Electronic Arts

The  Eyes in the Sky event is currently active in the game and will run through September 7, 2022. To access the Eyes in the Sky event players need to click on the Season Event banner located on the right side of the main lobby screen. From there, it takes you to the Seasonal Store,  and choose ‘Eyes In The Sky’ from the vertical list of events. 

Apex Legends Mobile Eyes In The Sky: Event Missions

Following are the missions along with the challenge points that players will receive in the  Eyes In The Sky event.

  • Complete 10 matches in battle royale mode as Crypto, Bloodhound, or Wraith: 20 Challenge Points
  • Complete 10 matches in Hack Mode as Crypto, Lifeline, or Mirage: 15 Challenge Points
  • Use Crypto, Bangalore, or Caustic’s Finisher twice in a single match in the battle royale match: 15 Challenge Points
  • Get 15 battle royale kills while playing as Crypto, Gibraltar, or Pathfinder: 20 Challenge Points
  • Use Crypto, Bloodhound, or Loba’s Ultimate 7 times in battle royale matches: 15 Challenge Points
  • Deal 2,000 damage in battle royale matches while playing as Crypto, Lifeline, or Octane: 15 Challenge Points

Apex Legends Mobile Eyes In The Sky: Event Rewards

Following are the rewards that players can receive by claiming the required number of challenge points.

  • 30 Challenge Points: 50 Flux, for use in the “Crafting” section to redeem desired items 
  • 50 Challenge Points: the Elite VIP account badge
  • 80 Challenge Points: 3,000 Hyperbeat Coins
  • 100 Challenge Points: the Skeletal Surveillance Crypto legend skin (Rare)
Apex Legends Mobile Skeletal Surveillance Crypto legend skin
Image via Electronic Arts

There are other events like the Let’s Jam!, Login Marathon that players can participate in alongside this one. Most importantly, these events offer free rewards, whereby players don’t need to spend money to buy in-game currencies.

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