
2020 reflects a high rise in consumer spending for Mobile Simulation Games

Simulation Games are on the rise

Simulation has become the fastest-growing genre comparing to the previous year by almost every aspect of mobile gaming. Sensor Tower has released this info using their brand-new Game Taxonomy feature. Exclusively on U.S. soil, consumer spending in mobile simulation games in 2020 grew by 63.2% higher that of 2019. Also, when we are talking about 2020, it must be kept in mind that the pandemic situation and the resulting lockdown affected every kind of business.

Variety of games in the simulation genre provides users with a new reality

Like every genre, the simulation genre comes with its own merits and demerits. Although a large variety of games comes under this bracket, some common factors are always there.

Mobile Simulation Games consumer spending 2020
SensorTower shows a high rise of 63% in consumer spending in Mobile Simulation Games during 2020

The Simulation and Gaming define Simulation/gaming in its broadest meaning  “to encompass such areas as simulation, computerized simulation, internet simulation, gaming, simulation/gaming, serious games, educational games, training games, e-games, internet games, video games, policy exercises, day-in-the-life simulations, planning exercises, debriefing, analytic discussion, post-experience analysis, modelling, virtual reality, game theory, role-play, role-playing, play, active learning, experiential learning, learning from experience, toys, augmented reality, playthings, structured exercises, education games, alternative purpose games, edutainment, digital game-based learning, immersive learning, brain games, social impact games, games for change, games for good, synthetic learning environments, synthetic task environment”.

A rapid rise in revenue for simulation titles in the US

Simulation titles have proven to be the top risers when it comes to revenue. This genre includes top games such as Roblox and Playrix’s Township. The former of which, hit $1.5 billion in lifetime revenue on mobile back in June 2020. However, across the 100 top earners in the genre, $851 million was generated in 2020. Furthermore, the most-successful sub-genre was a sandbox, at an increase of 96.5 %, year-on-year it generated $368.8 million. Meanwhile, the casino came in at No.3 with $2.1 billion, or rather an increase of 46.4 % year-over-year although casino genre tops the chart when it comes to the number of downloads.

Mobile Simulation Games consumer spending 2020
Mobile Simulation Games consumer spending 2020: Casino and Racing leading the race

By using the game taxonomy technology, Sensor Tower has analyzed that the quarantine has been a boon for the simulation genre. Due to the stay-at-home orders, almost all genre of games saw a rise in their revenue stream, but the simulation ones benefitted the most.

What do you think about the rise in consumer spending for Mobile Simulation Games in 2020? Let us know in the comment section!

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