
FireFront Mobile FPS announces second round of public limited alpha tests

Another test calling!

The highly awaited action shooter FireFront Mobile FPS developed by Blayze Games has announced its second round of public limited-alpha testing with it being open for a few thousand players, as mentioned by the developers.

FireFront Mobile FPS will arrive with vast maps and destructible buildings

The development of the game has been going on for a long time, and we got to look at the gameplay footage in early 2022. From the initial previews unveiled by the developers, it becomes apparent that the game bears striking similarities to the renowned action title, Call of Duty Mobile. These resemblances are notably observable in aspects such as the control layout and the established patterns of gameplay.

The developers have consistently provided current progress updates, effectively keeping the ongoing excitement a tad bit higher. Numerous exciting features are on the wait, including expansive maps, destructible buildings, a revitalized weapon skin system, and top-tier graphics that promise a great visual experience.

The recruitment for the alpha testing is apparently via the discord server. Players can head over to the server here and follow the instructions in the announcement channel, where you have to type “?rank Waiting Temporary Alpha Tester” in the #bot-commands channel.

FireFront Mobile FPS gameplay
Image via Blayze Games

The tests will most likely be on both Android and iOS but it hasn’t been confirmed yet. While the exact commencement date for the testing phase remains uncertain, keep an eye on this space as we will provide updates once the test dates are live, and if you are qualified, it would be great to experience another promising action title.

When will FireFront Mobile FPS release globally

At present, an official release date for FireFront Mobile FPS has not yet been announced yet, as the game is still undergoing its alpha test phase. So, it can be said that it will take some time before we get a full-fledged release, before which there shall be pre-registrations. Following its worldwide launch, FireFront Mobile FPS will be accessible for free download on both Android and IOS devices.

What are your thoughts on FireFront Mobile FPS announcing its second round of public limited-alpha testing? Let us know in the comments below!

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