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Fortnite v24.30 update brings Star Wars collab featuring new outfits

May the Force be with you!

The Star Wars timeline is moving backward in Fortnite Battle Royale. Choose between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker as your Jedi tutor in the Fortnite v24.30 update named Find the Force, available until May 23, 2023, at 9 AM ET, or Darth Maul as your Sith trainer. Utilize the Force skills they teach you to demonstrate the Force’s might to your adversaries.

Complete Discover the Force quests to gain access to the Clone Trooper Outfit and other cosmetic and level-up goodies on the game’s free reward track. Players can get the Darth Maul outfit by purchasing the Premium Reward Track upgrade, which adds another layer of awards. After buying the Premium Reward Track upgrade, you will receive the Coruscant Guard Outfit. The Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala Outfits are available now in the Item Shop, along with the 501st Trooper and 212th Battalion Trooper Outfits.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Maul await you in Fortnite v24.30 update

During Discover the Force, holographic versions of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Maul are waiting for you on the Isle. If you agree to their offer of training, you will enter a rift and emerge with a lightsaber and enhanced Force powers. When using your lightsaber, which will stay in your inventory until you drop it, are eliminated, or the game is over, you can use these Force powers.

Fortnite Star Wars May the 4th quests, Fortnite Star Wars collaboration, Fortnite Star Wars powers Leaks
Image via Epic Games

Force training will give you the ability to sprint faster and double jump while your lightsaber is equipped, regardless of which trainer you chose. Accept Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi training and learn to use the Force to push objects and players away. If you accept Anakin Skywalker’s Jedi training, you’ll learn to use the Force to pull objects and players towards you. Upon accepting Darth Maul’s training, you’ll learn to use the Force to lift objects from the environment and hurl them at players

The Lightsabers

You can also use the lightsaber you receive from Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Darth Maul as a melee weapon! You will receive a green Jedi Padawan Lightsaber from Obi-Wan Kenobi and a blue one from Anakin Skywalker. You’ll get a red Sith Apprentice Lightsaber from Darth Maul.

Fortnite Star Wars v22.30 update
Image via Epic Games

The DC-15 Blaster is the only weapon on the island that is more appropriate for the Clone Trooper Outfit. This Assault Rifle, which is available from Republic Chests, specializes in medium- to long-range combat and has exceptional accuracy.

Complete Find the Force Quests to earn rewards in the Fortnite v24.30 update

To acquire Galactic Reputation, find the Force Quests and complete them. By engaging in activities that improve your Jedi or Sith abilities, including as receiving Jedi or Sith training, inflicting harm with lightsabers, and searching Republic Chests, you can complete these tasks.

Your Galactic Reputation will improve as you complete Discover the Force Quests, and the more Galactic Reputation you have, the more rewards you’ll be able to unlock. You may monitor your Galactic Reputation and remaining awards in the Lobby by navigating to the Galactic Reputation page.

Fortnite Star Wars Stormtrooper reskin
Image via Epic games

You can choose between the free reward track and the upgrade to the Premium Reward Track by selecting this tab. There are 11 attainable gifts in all on the free reward track, with the Clone Trooper Outfit serving as the final reward.

As you earn rewards in the free reward track, you’ll earn more if you upgrade to the Premium Reward Track (without having to complete additional Quests). For 1,000 V-Bucks, you can upgrade to the Premium Reward Track, which has 11 unlockable rewards, the last of which is the Darth Maul Outfit.

The unlocks Wolf Pack Trooper Outfit and Ahsoka’s Clone Trooper Outfit are both included in this track upgrade. You are given the Coruscant Guard Outfit without having to do anything at all after purchasing the Premium Reward Track upgrade.

The “Find the Force” Quest Trilogy

The Discover the Force Quests are a trilogy, just like Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The Discover the Force quests are divided into three primary sets, each of which has a particular quest. You can obtain a Sith Holocron by finishing all twelve of the quests in a series. To obtain the Sith Infiltrator Glider, collect three Sith Holocrons!

Fortnite Star Wars Darth Maul skin
Image via Epic Games

Each set of Find the Force Quests will go live sequentially and be available until May 23 at 9 AM ET:

  • “The Force Within” Quests are live starting now.
  • “Begun the Clone Wars Have” Quests go live May 7 at 9 AM ET.
  • “Fall of the Republic” Quests go live May 12 at 9 AM ET.

Other Updates in Fortnite Battle Royale v24.30 Update

In Fortnite’s “Game” settings, “Confirm Edit on Release” has been replaced with an “Auto Confirm Edits” feature as of version 24.30. You will be able to automatically confirm edits and reset edits when this new feature is set to “Both,” as opposed to manually confirming edit selections.

Mobile Improvements

New Weapon settings for touch enable mobile players to do more with fewer fingers or button presses:

  • Combined ADS + Fire: The main Fire + Look button will also aim down sights. Firing begins once the transition into ADS is complete. Other fire buttons will still work as normal.
  • Release to Fire: When using scoped semi-automatic or single-shot weapons, the main Fire + Look button will fire when released instead of when pressed. This means players can aim down their scope, line up their shots, and fire their weapons all with one button press. Other fire buttons will still work as normal.
  • Continuous Fire: Semi-automatic weapons will fire repeatedly while any fire button is held.

Balance Changes

In case you missed it, developers recently made the following balance changes:

  • Storm Circles 6 and 7 now move further into the Storm as the safe zone shrinks. Storm Circles 8 and 9 now begin moving earlier and travel further. Storm Circle 12 takes longer to close.
  • Epic Games has vaulted the Game Time Reality Augment and reduced the probability of Chug Splash loot.
    • Devs will continue to monitor the impact of healing items and match that end in “heal-offs.” 

Force abilities, Jedi Padawan and Sith Apprentice Lightsabers, and DC-15 Blasters are currently not included in Arena or tournaments. We’re investigating possibly including these abilities and items in Arena and tournaments after FNCS Major 2 concludes.

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where large rocks on the Island were not providing as many materials as intended when harvested.
  • Fixed an issue where using ODM Gear would sometimes cause a player to fly even if no longer using the item.
  • Back Blings no longer appear detached on the Highwire Outfit.
  • Fixed an issue where the Starter Island timer did not go down properly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a long load time to occur when entering a match with the DirectX 12 rendering mode enabled.
  • Trunks and tree branches no longer appear to move erratically when playing Fortnite on mobile or PC Performance Mode.
  • The most major bug fix: the Infinite Dab Emote wasn’t looping for 15 hours when performed in the Lobby. This is fixed and it now loops for 16 hours.

That’s all about the Fortnite v24.30 update.

What are your thoughts on Fortnite v24.30 update? Let us know in the comments below!

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