
Balancing Motherhood and Careers – Games Industry Pros speak out on International Mother’s Day 2024

Mother’s Day is observed worldwide, and the games industry is no different in 2024. We’ve talked with working mothers in the video game sector to understand how they navigate the delicate balance of childcare, family responsibilities, and professional obligations.

We asked them “How do you manage the demands of motherhood alongside your career and personal gaming pursuits? Does gaming offer you relaxation or serve as an escape?” and here’s what everyone answered on this Mother’s Day 2024.

Kelly Chiew, Head of Overseas Public Relations, MOONTON Games

Kelly Chiew, Kelly chiew Li Ming
Kelly Chiew, Head of Overseas Public Relations, MOONTON Games

There’s always a give or take when it comes to balancing motherhood, work, and gaming. I am definitely playing games, but the hours are a far cry from my college and tertiary days. But having a child has its own set of joys which I would not trade for anything else. But I do look forward to the day when my child grows up and learns to play games together.

Valentina Bailly, Team Lead of Business Development, Gamelight

Valentina Baily
Valentina Baily, Team Lead of BD, Gamelight

Being a mom and working full-time is challenging but praising. It demands a lot of multitasking and stress resistance. From my experience, parenting and leading a sales team made me very organized, as I can’t let down my colleagues and my 8-year-old son. Keeping all school events, work meetings, household, doctor appointments, etc … can make your head explode, so scheduling and planning is the key.

Gaming is a sweet escape for me from a family life. However, if it were only work, my life wouldn’t be complete without my son.

Manva Hunswadkar, PR Lead, KRAFTON India

Manva Hunswadker, KRAFTON India PR manager, Mother's Day 2024
Manva Hunswadker, PR Lead, KRAFTON India

Balancing motherhood with my professional life is a rewarding challenge. Having a well-planned schedule is crucial for managing both efficiently. Working at KRAFTON India has significantly enhanced my skills. The company fosters an inclusive environment, especially supportive of working mothers like me, enabling us to thrive and advance steadily.

As for gaming, it helps me recharge and sharpen my focus to tackle my responsibilities. It is a great way to refresh and rejuvenate.

Lucy Jo, Regional Marketing Director, APAC, Xsolla

Lucy Jo, mother's day 2024
Lucy Jo, Regional Marketing Director, APAC, Xsolla

I think it’s nearly impossible to perfectly balance the roles of both a mother and an employee. However, I feel extremely fortunate because I have strong support from my family, allowing me to do the things I love without too much stress.

I usually play mobile games for a bit before bed, after finishing all my parenting and work responsibilities. Through gaming, I find some comfort and a temporary escape from stressful or difficult memories.

Taruna Arora, Country Manager (India), People & Culture, Keywords Studios

Taruna Arora
Taruna Arora, Country Manager, People & Culture, Keywords Studios

This Mother’s Day 2024, I reflect on balancing motherhood, career, and personal joy. Prioritizing, time
management, and effective communication have guided me throughout my journey. Involving my daughter in decisions and explaining responsibilities has eased this challenge. Gaming strengthens our relationship, despite a hectic schedule.

I ensure to spend quality time with her, setting gaming limits and guiding her on time management. While gaming may not relax me, it connects me with her on a deeper level. Setting boundaries and saying no to activities not aligning with priorities has been crucial. Self-care is essential for balancing various aspects of life. Here’s to all mothers, celebrating the chaos of motherhood and finding joy in the challenges. Happy Mother’s Day!

Damini Pawha, Co-Founder & CEO, Appsoleut Games

Damini Pawha
Damini Pawha, Co-Founder & CEO, Appsoleut Games

Balancing motherhood and a career can be quite challenging. Embracing a flexible work schedule, setting realistic expectations, and prioritizing self-care can help navigate the juggling act of parenting and pursuing a career in gaming.

What works well for me is having a daily routine with my son and enjoying my time with him along with fulfilling his daily needs. I try to be present mentally and emotionally in whatever I am doing, whether that’s brainstorming business strategies, planning a new game, or being available to my son.

Gaming has been my solace since I was a child. Playing games transports me to a different world, relaxes me, and helps me uplift my mood. It’s actually my way of giving myself a mental break from the stresses of the day!

Mariela Tzvetanova, CBDO, Imperia Online

Mariela Tzvetanova
Mariela Tzvetanova, CBDO, Imperia Online

Balancing motherhood with a demanding career and personal interests in gaming is about finding harmony between all aspects of life. Gaming, especially with my 2 kids and my husband, who is also a gamer, becomes a shared activity that not only allows for relaxation but also strengthens our family bond. It offers a delightful escape where I can decompress and recharge.

Effective time management and prioritizing family time are key and lots of help from our kids’ grandparents and aunties. This approach helps maintain a fulfilling professional life while ensuring personal and family well-being.

What are your thoughts on the insights shared by the professionals on this occasion of International Mother’s Day 2024? Let us know in the comments.

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