The wait is finally over for all Hu Tao fans in Genshin Impact out there, it has been a tough journey to wait for our walnut, and what could be a better time to announce Hu Tao’s release trailer today, coinciding with the Japanese voice actress Rie Takahashi’s birthday.
It was a roller-coaster ride with the Hu Tao character. Some time ago, it felt like she was not coming in the version 1.3 update. After a long wait, she has graced us with her presence. She was also not announced in the 1.3 live-stream, because during the Chinese New Year Period, speaking about funerals and anything related to death is basically a cultural taboo. Since Chinese New Year is basically the most auspicious and happy event, releasing Hu Tao would be considered disrespectful.
Hu Tao: Playstyle and skill-set of the character
Mihoyo has officially announced Hu Tao vision and her skill-set is already available in miHoyo’s official forums. She will be a five-star pyro unit and her weapon pole-arms, her best in a class weapon, which is a five-star Staff of Homa already has its banner released a few days ago. There is also a limited exclusive weapon, the Lithic Spear in that banner, so people should look into that too.

Her banner and presumably, a story quest could be available at the end of Keeping’s Banner, which is 2nd March in Asia. Her playstyle can be considered into a berserk class, where the lesser the Hp she has, the higher the damage. This gives a breath of fresh air to the already available character’s playstyle.
Hu Tao: Who should you pair her with?
Some theoretical team composition includes pairing Hu Tao with Xinqui for a solid vaporize team, another character is Xiangling for the double pyro resonance. Chongyun might also be a viable option but all of this are just a theoretical damage team, we will have to test her out after her banner gets released.
Are you excited about the release of Hu Tao in Genshin Impact? Let us know your opinions in the comment sections below!
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