
Genshin Impact new security feature in China may ruin the account trading market

Mihoyo implemented new account security updates but at a big expense

Last year, travelers in China sent their feedback on social media and customer service channels related to issues with miHoYo account security, including account theft and more. In response to the feedback of this nature, the Genshin Impact team investigated every case as quickly as possible, following the information provided by Travelers. Following such feedback, there came a two-factor authentication soon.

miHoyo accounts are mainly secured by mail and SMS verification but a few days back, they improved their security of accounts by offering real ID verification. One big security update and bad news for some of the account users.

mihoyo two factor account verification - Copy
Image via miHoYo

miHoYo implements Real ID verification successfully in China

Previously, the 2-factor authentication was via email and SMS but at times, if a user was signed up with just their phone number then anyone could steal it by simply binding a new email address. This was a big flaw in the account security updates of Genshin Impact in China.

Hackers were smart enough to find such a loophole and hack hundreds of accounts permanently. But what do we have now with this secretly improved security is better protection.

Genshin Impact account security China
Image via miHoYo

With the newly introduced real ID verification, there came a new layer of security and protection allowing players to get back their accounts through easy facial recognition even if their emails and phone numbers are no longer bonded or may be lost.

Genshin Impact account security feature brings new defects

With facial recognition, everything seems simple but it heavily affected the Genshin Impact trading market. On eBay, there were a lot of searches for Genshin Impact Account; some top vendors indicate more than 20k confirmed transactions.

This new real ID verification has allowed vendors to get back their old accounts easily and the players are losing their purchased accounts now. This may cause a crash in the trading market of Genshin Impact and soon the good days may seem to be over. 

Implementing this secret authentication is good or bad, we don’t have all the answers for now but miHoyo will soon come up with statement-making things better for the users and getting a solution for all the lost accounts.

What are your thoughts on the Genshin Impact account security changes in China? Let us know in the comments below!

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