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Goddess of Victory: NIKKE reveals two new banners, a new Lively event, and more

Get ready for Naga and Tia!

Level Infinite and SHIFT UP recently revealed two new characters, Naga and Tia, both of which are SSR characters who will soon join Goddess of Victory: NIKKE, as well as an event story dedicated to them. A teaser for the next new event “Dazzling Cupid” was also displayed, as well as a new Skin “Autumn Picnic” for a certain Nikke.

Introducing two new SSR Characters, Naga and Tia


Goddess of Victory: NIKKE
Image via Level Infinite

Naga is a Missilis Manufacturer Burst II Electric element Shotgun user Nikke from the Dazzling Pearl squad. The spiritual glue that holds Dazzling Pearl together. She adores the forgetful Tia in the same way that an older sister does to ensure that she remembers things. On the surface, she appears mature, yet if an accessory catches her eye, she frequently indulges in impulse purchases and overspending.

Naga Skill Info (MAX Stats)

  1. Guardian of Friendship
    • Activates after 12 normal attack(s). Affects all allies. Recovery of Covers HP increased by 14.57%.
    • Activates when applying Shield. Affects all allies. Damage dealt when attacking core increased by 85.17% for 10 sec
  2. Support of Friendship
    • Activates after 5 normal attack(s). Affects 2 ally unit(s) with the highest ATK. Damage dealt when attacking core increased by 40.07% for 5 sec
    • Activates after 5 normal attack(s), Affects 2 ally unit(s) with the lowest HP percentage. Recovers 9.58% of the caster’s final Max HP as HP
  3. As Long As We’re With Friends
    • Affects self. Gain Pierce for 10 sec
    • Affects all allies. ATK increased by 16.18% of the caster’s ATK for 10 sec
    • Activates when applying Shield. Affects all allies. ATK increased by 31.02% of caster’s ATK for 10 sec


Goddess of Victory: NIKKE
Image via Level Infinite

Tia is a Missilis Manufacturer Burst I Iron Element Rocket Launcher user. A Nikke from the Dazzling Pearl squad’s graduating class. A food fanatic who enjoys sweets. Her desire is to see a dragon and make a wish for it one day.

Tia Skill Info (MAX Stats)

  1. Reptile Lover
    • Activates when recovering Cover’s HP. Affects self. Cooldown of Burst Skill goes down by 13 sec, stacks up to 2 time(s), and lasts for 12 sec.
    • Activates when recovering Cover’s HP. Affects all allies. Attack damage increases by 32.11% for 10 seconds.
  2. Chameleon Invisibility
    • Activates after landing 5 normal attack(s). Affects self. Covers Max HP increased by 32.51% of the caster’s Max HP and lasts for 5 sec. Attract: Taunt all enemies for 5 sec
    • Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects self. Recovery of Covers HP increased by 21.41% of the caster’s final Max HP for 10 sec
  3. Lizard’s Protection
    • Affects self. Generates & Shield with 35.07% of the caster’s final Max HP for 10 sec
    • Affects all allies (except self). Generates a Shield with 10.21% of the casters final Max HP for 10 sec.

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE upcoming event “Dazzling Cupid”

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE
Image via Level Infinite

Dazzling Cupid is a brand-new event coming soon to Goddess of Victory: NIKKE on 5th October 2023. The teaser provided some details about the event, as well as the appearance of two new forthcoming NIKKE characters, Naga and Tia. As a result, the new event is centered on the story of the school circle and the two new NIKKE Tia and Naga from the Dazzling Pearl squad. Also, look forward to Diesel’s new skin “Autumn Picnic” which will be coming along in a future update.

What are your thoughts on the Goddess of Victory: NIKKE revealing two new banners, featuring two new characters Naga and Tia? Let us know in the comments below!

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