Kingdom, a South Korean horror-thriller show by Netflix, is coming to mobile devices as a multiplayer action RPG. Fans of the popular K-zombie show are thrilled as the announcement comes today from the developer of the game. Action Square, a South Korean company dedicated to developing action-packed games for everyone, is working on the title to adapt it to mobile devices. Yeonjun Kim, the CEO of mobile studio Action Square, confirmed the name of the upcoming Kingdom IP, and also released a teaser trailer of the game. The teaser of Kingdom: The Blood shows some exciting concepts and action-packed fighting scenes.
Kingdom: The Blood is an action RPG mobile title
The game is being developed using Unreal Engine 4 and will feature great 3D graphics. To capture the true tone of the show, the developer company is using motion capture technology to let the players enjoy an amazing battle animation. Action Square said that the game will recreate the world of the original drama.
According to the developer Action Square, the game will feature manual control-based action RPG and different stages of play. Kingdom: The Blood will be released on both mobile and PC, and will support cross-platform play as well.
Action Square is well known for its hit titles like Gigantic X or Blade for Kakao. The company has teamed up with production studio AStory and acquired the right to develop the game. Development of the game has begun last year.
Release date and what to expect
There’s not much information to share now as the teaser didn’t reveal any actual in-game footage. So, we can’t tell anything of the gameplay for sure. But the technology used for the game gives hope to the fans to expect something better than the current RPG titles.
No release date regarding the game has been announced yet but the developer company promises future announcements that will disclose more of the game. Keep checking this space so that you can get any news related to Kingdom: The Blood as soon as they come from the creators.
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