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Nepal MP asks Government for PUBG Mobile and Free Fire Ban stating health issues

Will they be banned?

Member of the House of Representatives in Nepal, Asha Kumari BK has recently asked the country’s government to take action against online mobile games like PUBG Mobile and Free Fire by imposing a ban on them. The politician addressed the House of Representatives on July 27th, 2021, and took a strong stance against mobile gaming in her speech as she spoke of the adverse effects that these online games have on children.

Why has the Nepal Politician asked to ban PUBG Mobile and Free Fire

Battle Royale has been incredibly popular for quite a few years now. PUBG Mobile and Free Fire are the two flagship games that have taken the mobile gaming community by storm. The two games boast over a billion downloads on iOS and Android and the number of active users shows no signs of decreasing any time soon.

PUBG Mobile Free Fire Nepal ban
PUBG Mobile and Free Fire are the two flagship games that have taken the mobile gaming community by storm

A large portion of the active users that both these games possess consist of children. And this is the fact that the Nepalese have put pressure on. Asha Kumari B.K. stated in her speech that online mobile games have a negative impact on children’s mental well-being. She further cited Free Fire and PUBG Mobile as examples of harmful mobile games.

The CPN-UML MP urged the government to take action against these online mobile games. She suggested that children are suffering mentally due to how addictive these video games are. She stated that the government should impose a ban before any more harm is done to children causing parents and guardians to demand justice when it is too late. Moreover, PUBG Mobile was previously banned back in 2019 in Nepal before the ban was lifted almost immediately.

Can PUBG Mobile and Free Fire be actually banned in Nepal

While players are worried over the potential ban of their favorite games, they are more than likely to stay unbanned. The ban in 2019 and the consequent lift of the ban is a testament to how difficult it will be to ban these popular games. Previously, PUBG Mobile and Free Fire were rumored to be banned in Bangladesh as well but the Bangladeshi government is yet to take any action as such.

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