
Project Winter Mobile: Boltrend Games to port the multiplayer social deduction title for mobile devices

Survive to the end or take out all the survivors in this social deduction game

Project Winter, a popular social deduction game that was out on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and the Switch is now going to release soon on mobile by Boltrend Games. The game’s beta test was approved by the Google Play Store after a setback earlier but it is now scheduled to start on January 12, 17:00 (UTC-8) and will go on until January 20, 17:00 (UTC-8).

Play as a traitor or survivor in the game

Similar to a lot of other multiplayer social deduction games, this game involves survivors who must complete different tasks and then escape. In the meantime, Traitors, who’re also disguised as survivors, will use different traps and hidden paths to take out the survivors before they manage to win. Each game will have 8 players. 

Project Winter Mobile
Image via Boltrend Games

The game is currently ready to enter a beta testing phase where players will be able to try out the game and provide feedback to the developers

How to download and play Project Winter Mobile port

In order to try out the game, players can sign up for the Android version if they’re in the US or Canada. The beta test is only available for Android devices and players outside the regions mentioned previously can use a VPN to create a new account and then sign up. However, there were no announcements for the iOS version as of now.

Those who are eager to know more about the game can get a glimpse of the game for the Xbox Game Pass launch.

Anyone who’s into social deduction should probably sign up for the beta and download the game although the servers will go live shortly today. All player data after the beta will be deleted post the beta test. That being said, after the beta is over, the game will be one step closer to releasing globally.

Are you excited about Project Winter Mobile port? Do let us know in the comments below.

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