
War Robots has surpassed 250 million registered players across all platforms

Hit mobile shooter achieves another significant milestone

MY.GAMES has made an announcement stating that War Robots, the primary mobile shooter developed by their in-house studio Pixonic, has exceeded 250 million players who have registered on various platforms. The game can currently be accessed on the App Store, Google Play, and Steam.

War Robots Continues to Thrive with 250 million registered players and $750m in revenue

The ninth anniversary of War Robots was celebrated in April 2023. Throughout its existence, the game has amassed over $750 million in total revenue. It persists as a prominent tactical shooter on both the App Store and Google Play.

War Robots anniversary award show
Image via MY.GAMES

Over the last year, the game’s player base expanded by over 30 million individuals across all platforms, reflecting a substantial 40% annual growth. Notably, 2022 emerged as War Robot’s most triumphant year on Google Play, witnessing an almost 50% surge in installations compared to the preceding year, 2021.

War Robots attract players from around the globe

Players of War Robots come from all corners of the globe, with the United States having the largest number of installations. The game’s developers are also delving into the possibilities presented by emerging markets like India and Mexico, both of which saw their revenue share double compared to the previous year.

In the present scenario, Mexico contributes to nearly 7.5% of the total revenue generated from Android, establishing itself as the second-largest market for War Robots on this platform. Additionally, both India and Mexico have secured positions in the top 5 for total lifetime installations on the Google Play Store.

War Robots dominates the mobile PvP arena with 2.5 billion matches and counting

In order to attain and sustain these figures, the War Robots’ development team consistently endeavors to maintain a sense of novelty by experimenting with fresh updates and gameplay elements. The game undergoes nine updates annually, each brimming with novel attributes and content. During 2020, the game underwent a complete visual overhaul and was showcased at an Apple Event.

War Robots
Image via MY.GAMES

Subsequently, in 2022, they introduced a leaderboards feature, followed by the incorporation of a PvE mode in 2023 — a rarity in the realm of PvP mobile games. Through the team’s dedication, War Robots has cultivated a vibrant community comprising millions of players, with more than 6 million enthusiasts remaining engaged for a span exceeding two years. The game’s history boasts a staggering count of over 2.5 billion matches played.

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I wish this game wasn’t as underhanded and pay to win, using almost all the best known money scrounging tactics for mobile games to the worst degree. I played from 20015-2019, quit as the company was sold to Pixonic and began their shady tactics, played again in 2021, and quit again when I saw the same pay to win and underhanded tactics only increasing. I can’t believe so many people still play. Mech Arena came along with a more free to play system, but even that looks to be compromised. I have gone back to Mech Wars again as probably… Read more »

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