
Xsolla introduces Cross-Play and Cross-Pay for enhanced multi-platform mobile game monetization

Empowering Mobile Game Developers to Monetize Across Multiple Platforms Beyond Traditional App Stores

Xsolla, a multinational video game commerce enterprise, introduces Cross-Play and Cross-Pay, an innovative strategy for monetizing mobile games. In adapting to the changing environment, Xsolla’s range of solutions facilitates a smooth transition for mobile game developers, allowing them to extend their games from mobile to web, desktop, and cloud platforms.

This suite also provides a variety of monetization options, enabling developers to drive profitable direct-to-consumer sales. Recently, Xsolla founder Shurick Agapitov also unveiled a new book Once Upon Tomorrow that redefines the Metaverse for everyone.

Unlock a seamless gaming experience across platforms with the Xsolla Cross-Play and Cross-Pay

As the video game industry advances, players eagerly await the opportunity to interact with their beloved games seamlessly on various platforms, devices, and control schemes. This increasing demand positions Cross-Play as a central element in contemporary game development approaches.

Xsolla Cross-Play Cross-Pay
Image via Xsolla

With Xsolla Launcher and Xsolla Cloud Gaming, mobile game developers can now effortlessly distribute their games across Mobile, PC, Console, Cloud, and Web platforms. Xsolla Launcher simplifies the process for developers to utilize the features of desktop computing, such as improved graphics, deeper gameplay experiences, and extended play durations while transitioning mobile games to PC.

Xsolla empowers mobile developers with cloud gaming expansion

Cloud Gaming for Mobile Games represents an integral expansion of the fundamental Xsolla Cloud Gaming solution. It empowers mobile game developers to broaden their reach across platforms by deploying game builds directly to cloud platforms from their own branded landing pages. This capability enables developers to offer versatile monetization mechanics tailored for mobile users.

The Cross-Play experience guarantees a uniform and equitable monetization approach across all platforms for developers globally. This method ensures parity in accessing game content for players, thereby enriching the overall gaming experience while adhering to platform regulations and guidelines. Serving as a cornerstone for the Direct-to-Consumer strategy of mobile game developers, Xsolla Web Shop, a premier solution for web transactions, lays a solid foundation.

Xsolla revolutionizes web shops for in-game purchases

The Xsolla Web Shop Solution represents a highly adaptable platform for branded online stores tailored to enable in-game web transactions effortlessly. Its latest version integrates pioneering advancements, leveraging insights from Xsolla’s extensive experience in deploying more than 210 Web Shops and powering 40 of the top 100 highest-grossing mobile games globally.

This iteration of Xsolla Web Shop introduces cutting-edge LiveOps utilities, supplementary personalization, and engagement functionalities, and refined user pathways to streamline purchasing processes. Complementing these upgrades, Xsolla’s team of specialists remains accessible to provide expert guidance and support, offering consultations on best practices for managing and operating web shops.

The extensive range of Cross-Play Cross-Pay solutions empowers mobile developers to guarantee that their games achieve maximum audience reach by forging enduring and meaningful relationships with players worldwide.

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