BattleOps is a brand new mobile FPS game from the house of Techouse Games. The game takes inspiration from Modern Combat 5 to provide an offline shooter experience that fits in your pocket. An action-packed campaign mode is a key feature as this is something that is rare amongst mobile FPS games nowadays. Here in this article, we will focus on the review of BattleOps and all its features.
The campaign is intriguing and full of action
BattleOps provides a complete campaign as its main feature. There are multiple levels and they are all packed with fast-paced action. All the missions are set in a linear pattern which means there is a set route that you follow to complete the mission. However, it would have been much better to offer the player some flexibility in how they choose to attempt a mission, rather than have them follow a set route.

Nevertheless, the campaign is still enjoyable to an extent. It does feel satisfying as you charge your way towards victory, through a wave of enemies.
Low graphics but High performance is one of the key aspects

The graphics are quite basic and they are not all that detailed. However, because of this, you get a very high-performance rate in the game. The game feels incredibly responsive in all parts of the game, this makes up for the low-quality graphics. Also, the sounds are very immersive, allowing you to completely immerse yourself into the fast-paced action.
Multiplayer Mode is a bit underwhelming

First of all, don’t be mislead by the name Multiplayer. It is not online, the whole game is currently offline. This mode simply puts you in a multiplayer-like match but with AI-controlled bots instead of players. There are currently only 2 maps, one of them is arriving soon, but they are not all that special either. The AI themselves are nothing like real players, once you understand the way they work, it becomes very easy to dominate the game. On the other hand, playing on a hard difficulty makes them extremely overpowered and it gets way too hard to fight back.
Overall, the multiplayer mode is not much other than a basic shooter against bots which gets stale pretty quick. Luckily, there is still the campaign mode to keep you entertained.
Limited loadout selection is one of the disadvantages
Usually, in any FPS game, you would see a variety in the weapons and utilities you can choose from. However, that is not the case in BattleOps. You will find that the number of guns you can choose from is quite limited. It is very likely that more will be added soon in future updates, but the current selection options are surprisingly small.

Also, the weapon upgrades have a surface-level of detail, you just upgrade the weapon as a whole, there is no depth. It would be nice to have some more detailed weapon upgrades in the form of attachments, specific upgrades, etc.
Final Thoughts
That is all about the BattleOps review. Since the game is made to be played offline, you would have to assess it in a much different way than with an online game. The lack of multiplayer is a little annoying, however, a single-player shooter for mobile is quite desperately needed by some members of the community. The presence of a campaign mode that has a strong purpose makes this a game worthy to download. Other features should be improved in future updates, such as multiplayer, loadout selection, etc.
You can download BattleOps from your respective PlayStores for Android devices. However, it is not available on the App Store at the moment.
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Why is campaign mode so rare in mobile games? :/