
Arena of Valor: The Complete Enchantments Guide and Tips

An in-depth look into the different types of enhancements in Arena of Valor!

In Arena of Valor, the Enchantments system is an empowerment function that unlocks when players reach level 5. It is a side to be highlighted that the Enchantments system in Arena of Valor needs no BP, vouchers, or anything to update any of its facilities. Players need to adjust the Enchantments system for each hero according to his/her preference.

There is another system in the game named the Arcana system, that might look the same as the Enchantments System. The Arcana system favours attributes, and the Enchantment System enhances the hero’s abilities. Also, the system is not free of cost like the Enchantments system. In this guide, we will unearth different types of enchantments, how to use them in-game and more.

Arena of Valor Enchantments: How to use

In the game, players have to set the Enchantments system as a pre-battle strategy policy. The  Enchantments system enables the players to match their heroes with different combinations before the game starts which enhances their hero abilities. Setting the Enchantments in a better way can prove to be really effective during the match as players will get extra utilities.

Arena of Valor Enchantments
Image via Supercell

Understanding the hero and the skill combo knowledge is really important to set a proper Enchantments’ combination. Players can customize Enchantments for each hero in advance, according to their gameplay style, objectives, and understanding of the game. Each enchantment provides a different ability, so every choice can be crucial. Players can equip different types of equipment on their 3 Enchantments pages. Players can use the default or customized builds of their own.

Arena of Valor: Types of Enchantments

There are a total of four Enchantments masteries in Arena of Valor. These are Lokheim, Veda, Afata and League of Humans. This resembles a different class of their own.

Veda (Power of Light, Ranged Combat)

It is suitable for ranged heroes, like marksmen and mages.

Image via Tencent Games

Lokheim (Power of the Abyss, Melee Combat)

It is suitable for melee heroes, like warriors or assassins.

Image via Tencent Games

Afata (Force of Nature, Source of Life)

It is suitable for bulky heroes, like Supports or Tanks.

Image via Tencent Games

League of Humans (Creative Power, Surprise Move)

It is suitable for creative gameplay, for any class.

Arena of Valor Enchantments
Image via Tencent Games

Arena of Valor Enchantments: Set-up combination

Each hero has a total of 3 sets of customized Enchantments pages. On each page, players can choose 1 primary mastery and 2 secondary masteries, according to the hero and emblem features. 

Primary Mastery Enchantments

For the primary mastery, players can choose a total of 3 Enchantments, which include 2 regular Enchantments and 1 core Enchantments.

Arena of Valor Enchantments
Image via Tencent Games

There are multiple options for the core Enchantments and regular Enchantments of any mastery. The core mastery is the most powerful Enchantments which must be selected carefully.

Arena of Valor Enchantments
Image via Tencent Games

Secondary Mastery Enchantments

For the secondary mastery, players should select from the 3 other masteries different from the primary mastery. Secondary mastery has 2 regular Enchantments. They can belong to the same or different mastery.

Arena of Valor Enchantments
Image via Tencent Games

Enchanments Mastery: League of Humans

Enchantments NameSerialDescription
EvanescenceIGains one charge of Freeze 3 minutes into the match.
Grants immunity to all damages, but renders players immobile and unable to attack.
Enhanced RestoreIReplaces Restore with Enhanced Restore, which immediately recovers 660 HP and 210 mana.
Arcane WhisperIPlayers receive an additional 15% reduction in talent cooldown time.
Minion KillIIFor every 25 seconds, the next normal attack/ability kills a minion. After 10 minions were killed by this Enchantments effect, players instantly receive 200 Gold and reset the kill count. It is not applicable to Siege Minion and Super Minion.
GunslingerIIIt spawns with a stack of Gunslinger. It kills or assists different heroes, which will grant an additional stack of Gunslinger, up to a max of 6 stacks.
Each stack of Gunslinger grants 8 Attack Damage and 12 Ability Power.
RewindIIIIt is able to use “Resurrect” upon death and is resurrected immediately after use. Resurrect’s cooldown ranges from 100 to 310 seconds, depending on the level. It can be used up to 2 times. Enchantments effect disappears after 12 minutes. For each unused resurrection, 300 gold is returned.
AlchemyIIIEvery 15 s, 1 stack of Alchemy Energy is gained, up to 3 stacks. Normal attacks/abilities that hit an enemy hero or tower will grant additional 16 gold and consume 1 stack of Alchemy Energy, up to 800 gold.

Enchanments Mastery: Veda

Enchantments NameSerialDescription
Axe of SacrificeIDeals an extra 3% damage, but also receive an extra 2% damage (1% in the case of melee).
Mana RefillIRecovers 8% Mana when an ability/normal attack hits an enemy hero.
Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Opal BeadI
Ultimates gain an additional 10% cooldown reduction, subject to an Ultimate cooldown reduction cap.
BlessingII+12% Crit Chance bonus from equipment.
+8% Ability Power bonus from equipment.
Holy VerdictIIGains 18 (+3/level) Armor/Magic Pierce.
Holy SummonerIIISummon a holy spirit for 5 seconds, when an enemy hero is hit by 3 consecutive normal attacks.
Fairy automatically attacks the enemy that you are attacking, has the same champion attack speed. Fairy has a range of 9.5 m, dealing true damage equal to 2% enemy’s Max HP with each hit.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Holy ThunderIIIThe first normal attack or ability attack that hits an enemy triggers Holy Thunder, dealing 80 (+8/level) (0.3AP) damage.
Each subsequent normal attack or ability attack that hits the enemy shortens cooldown by 1 second (need 0.5 seconds to trigger CD). Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Angelic GuardianIIIAfter taking damage equal to 30% of your max HP within 3 seconds, players will gain a shield with 550 (+60/level) and 15% Magic Life Steal.
Kills and assists during this time will extend Magic Life Steal by 3 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Enchantments Mastery: Lokheim

Enchantments NameSerialDescription
DevourerIKills or assists restore HP by 9% of HP lost and Mana by 15%.
Shadow BladeIEach use of movement and charge abilities grants a stack of Shadow Blades for 4 seconds.
Stacks up to 3 times.
The next normal attack against a hero consumes all Shadow Blade stacks, dealing an additional 30 (+5/level) (+0.1 AD) physical damage per stack.
Raging InfernoIPlayers can normal attack or abilities will inflict 50 (+5/lv) (0.25AP) magic damage on an enemy hero. Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Deadly ClawIIPlayers can gain 10-38 points of Attack Damage and 15-57 points of Ability Power (increases by level).
NumbnessIIIt provides 12.5% Resistance.
Burning GrudgeIIIHitting an enemy hero with normal attacks or abilities increases movement speed by 2, 1 stack per ranged normal or ability attack, 2 stacks per melee normal or ability attack), last for 3 seconds, stacks up to 10 times. At 10 stacks, restores 10% of lost HP and receives 15% Armor Pierce and Magic Pierce.
Curse of DeathIIIEach ability/normal attack that hits an enemy hero imposes a stack of marks on the same enemy which lasts 1.5 seconds. At 3 stacks, the enemy will suffer a curse buff that causes 40 (+40/level) (+0.25 physical damage) (+0.15 AP) magic damage to all targets within a 2.5-meter radius, and, 1 second after that, follows it up with 6% (+1% per 100 additional AD or 200 AP) lost target’s HP magic damage to targets within the same area. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Devil’s AwakeningIIIAfter ultimate is used, reduce skills cooldown by 30% and 20% ultimate’s cooldown. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Enchantments Mastery: Afata

Enchantments NameSerialDescription
Riddle StepIWhile in riverbed gains 10 movement speed and regenerates 20 HP and 10 Mana over 5 seconds.
Defense LineIWhile in the brush, the next normal attack deals additional True Damage equal to 4% of the enemy’s current HP. The effect remains for 4 seconds after leaving the brush. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Tower SentryIWhen you are within 6 meters of a tower, gain an additional 15% Resistance and 10% Damage Reduction against enemy heroes.
RegrowthIIGains 10% healing and shield effects. If target HP is less than 50%, increases the effect by an additional 10%. (Includes equipment and talents.)
Nature’s Gift     IIEach minion or monster that dies near you gives you a permanent HP buff (1 stack from minions, 2 from small monsters, 3 from large monsters). Each stack grants 8 HP, up to a maximum of 100 stacks.
Nature’s Rage  IIIWhen an immobilizing ability (Taunt, Knock Away, Knock Back, Stun, Petrify) hits an enemy hero, inflicts a Burn effect around your champion that deals damage equal to 1% percentage of the enemy’s max HP per 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds. Affected enemies will suffer a 30 Magic Defense loss (+3/level). Cooldown: 25 seconds.
Explosive ShieldIIIGains a stack when damage is taken. At 20 stacks, shakes off the control effect and sets off an explosion in a 3.5-meter radius. Affected enemies take magic damage equal to 10% of their max HP and become stunned for 0.75 seconds. Meanwhile, receive a 30% boost to healing effect for 3 seconds.
Forest WandererIIIAfter exiting combat, the next normal attack will slow down the enemy by 30% for 1 second and mark a Stealth Magic Crystal. Magic Crystal bursts in 3 seconds, dealing Magical Damage equal to 8% of the using champions max HP.

Final Thoughts

Players should set the Enchantments, according to the heroes’ skills to get the best results. Thus, the descriptions should be understood properly or players can also follow pro-player setups. It should be remembered that each hero might need different Enchantments combinations, so players should set them before entering the arena.

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