The January 2024 season of Clash of Clans is bringing delights to the Home Village and featuring some exciting challenges and skins to enjoy for the Builder Base enthusiasts. Coming with a Builder Base Challenge this season is the Builder Base of the North Challenge, a northern theme followed by Chief of the North Challenge and in this guide, we shall explain how to three-star this base and earn the rewards in Clash of Clans.
Introducing the Builder Base of the North Challenge in Clash of Clans
The Builder Base of the North Challenge is a showcase of the new season theme with the new skins featuring the Battle Machine and scenery for the Builder Base, just like what the initial previews for the same suggested. This challenge will only be available for the Stage 1 battle so you need not worry about saving your troops for later.

Once more, the reward structure remains consistent with previous challenges. Along with the extra resources you can enjoy for your Builder Base upgrades that are provided, players can gain 400 XP, 25 Gems, and 1x Builder Star Jar.
How to beat the Builder Base of the North Challenge in Clash of Clans
To begin, place a Drop Ship at the center of the base, triggering the Teslas and damaging all four Mega Teslas. Next, deploy a Wizard to the left of the laboratory and switch it to Electric mode, enabling it to chain its attack to the center of Tesla.

Now, let’s shift our attention to the right where the ground-targeting cannons are clustered. We’ll think of using air troops, particularly the Baby Dragon in our army for the same. However, be cautious not to fall into a trap. Instead of deploying the Baby Dragon near the cannons, deploy it near the Fire Crackers on the south, and press its ability to take them all down, thus eliminating a major air threat.
Additionally, deploy a Wizard on the Firecrackers and use Minions with their ability to eliminate the rest of the defending troops. Now, bring in the Battle Machine and Night Witches to the north side of the base near the Builder Hall, and wait for the Battle Machine’s ability to charge up. As the Battle Machine reaches the center, activate its ability, chaining through the remaining Cannons.
It is recommended to also make use of the Night Witch’s ability to spawn raged bats, effectively dealing with the remaining defenses and allowing Builder Hero to clear out the rest. By following this strategic plan, it will be pretty easy to secure a three-star victory in the Builder Base challenge.
Did you find our guide on the Clash of Clans Builder Base of the North Challenge helpful? Let us know in the comment section below!
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