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Cookie Run: Kingdom Peppermint Cookie Guide: How to unlock, Best Toppings, and more

"If you close your eyes, you can hear the ocean."

Cookie Run: Kingdom introduced Peppermint Cookie which is an Epic Support Cookie that has been released in the 4.9 Version ‘A Mermaid’s Tale Part 1′ update. Peppermint Cookie has already been an established character in the Cookie Run games. They like to spend time across the shore and admire the sea. This guide will be helping you on how to build Peppermint Cookie, how to obtain them, and the ways to level them up.

Peppermint Cookie is an Epic Cookie and hence can be obtained through the Gacha. Due to their Rarity, Soulstones will be available to buy after a few patches from their initial release in Version 4.9 either through the form of Shops or in Limited events. There are many ways to obtain Peppermint Cookie’s Soulstones such as,

Cookie Run Kingdom Peppermint Cookie Game Image
Image via Devsisters
  • Mileage Shop: Available in the Gacha section and bought through Mileage Points from pulling Cookies.
  • Kingdom Arena Medal Shop: Available exclusively through the Kingdom Arena. Players have to participate in PvP battles and ultimately win to obtain the Medals of Victory currency in order to exchange them with the Soulstones. In every Shop reset which lasts for 3 days, there are 2 Epic Cookie Soulstones purchases in stock where each purchase will give you 2 Soulstones. A total of 4 Soulstones can be collected in total.
  • Guild Medal Shop: Available exclusively through joining a Guild. Players have to participate in Guild Battles to obtain the Heroic Medal currency in order to exchange them with the Soulstones. Just like the Kingdom Arena, players can get 2 Soulstones for each purchase, where there are 2 purchases in stock. This means a total of 4 Soulstones can be obtained in every Shop Reset lasting 3 days.
  • Rainbow Shell Gallery: Located inside Touc’s Trade Harbor after you upgrade it. The soulstones can only be exchanged with the Rainbow Pearls currency which can be obtained by shipping various goods through the Ship Harbor. You can obtain 5 Soulstone Cookies. The Shop resets every 2 Days so players have to keep a lookout on which Soulstone Cookies comes out every rotation.

Additionally, their Soulstones will eventually be added to the World Exploration.

Character Introduction

Mint leaves for Peppermint Cookie were gathered from a town near the clear sea. This Cookie likes to spend time at the shore, staring dreamily at the horizon, or playing the shell ocarina. An old friend, the Peppermint Whale, often appears to the sound for company.

Peppermint Cookie treasures the simple but unchanging things, just like the waves that come and go. May the Cookie’s smile remain unchanging as well!

Play-style and Skillset

  • Rarity: Epic Cookie
  • Type: Support Cookie
  • Position: Rear
Freshness of the Sea
Freshness of the Sea
Peppermint Cookie blows the conch shell to summon the Peppermint Whale. The refreshing sound of the conch shell heals the team, increasing their DMG Resist and Debuff Resist. The Peppermint Whale creates a wave, dealing Water-type damage to enemies in front of it, and also Heals the allies for an amount equal to a portion of the damage dealt. Fresh water brought by the whale covers the team with an HP Shield. Peppermint Cookie will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects while using the skill. (Cooldown: 17 seconds)Firstly, the initial sound of the conch heals the entire team, increasing both their DMG resistance and Debuff resistance. The Peppermint Whale that was summoned, attacks the enemies by using a Wave Attack. This attack deals DMG to the enemies and this type of DMG is a water-type DMG. The wave attack also heals the team and provides an HP Shield to everyone in the party.
LevelLevel Up EXP (Star Jellies Lvl.1)Skill Level Up (Skill Powder)
1-101510 EXP25x Common, 4500x Gold
11-2010,040 EXP75x Common, 14500x Gold
21-3056,790 EXP30x Refined, 47000x Gold
31-40314,510 EXP80x Refined, 107000x Gold
41-501,401,060 EXP110x Pristine, 212000x Gold
51-60332,160 EXP250x Pristine, 410000x Gold
61-65342,124 EXP150x Pristine, 280000x Gold
66-70362,054 EXP150x Pristine, 330000x Gold
71-75383,777 EXP175x Pristine, 380000x Gold
StarsMaterials Needed
1 Star20x Soulstones, 500x Gold
2 Stars30x Soulstones, 5000x Gold
3 Stars50x Soulstones, 10000x Gold
4 Stars70x Soulstones, 50000x Gold
5 Stars100x Soulstones, 100000x Gold
Ascension Star: 1360x Common Soul Essence, 20x Soulcores, 100000x Gold
Ascension Star: 2320x Rare Soul Essence, 30x Soulcores, 200000x Gold
Ascension Star: 3120x Epic Soul Essence, 40x Soulcores, 300000x Gold
Ascension Star: 4180x Epic Soul Essence, 50x Soulcores, 500000x Gold
Ascension Star: 530x Legendary Soul Essence, 60x Soulcores, 700000x Gold

Peppermint Cookie has an assortment of Toppings to choose from depending on what you prefer in their build. Additionally, after the Version 4.9 update, all Cookies or non-Cookies that are released and have ties with the ‘A Mermaid’s Tale‘ storyline will be able to use the Sea Salt Resonant Toppings. These Toppings work just like the Moonkissed Toppings where the damage multipliers are boosted up from regular Toppings. 

For Peppermint Cookie, the most solid choice would be to equip them with the full set of Swift Chocolate Toppings. Peppermint Cookie has an insanely long cooldown of 17 seconds and as such it will be difficult to proc their Skill frequently during intense PvP runs. Running a full set of Swift Chocolate will help reduce their cooldown and allow Peppermint Cookie to use their Skill consistently in order to heal and buff allies. As for sub-stats, you would mainly focus on stacking them with DMG resist and ATK as Peppermint Cookie scales their healing from their attack.

If you do have access to a full set of Swift Chocolate Toppings, you can always equip Peppermint Cookie with a mixture of Solid Almond Toppings and Swift Chocolate Toppings. Make sure that the sub-stats has a high amount of Cooldown reduction percent to combat the high cooldown of Peppermint Cookie. ATK is also welcome for scaling purposes.

Cookie Run: Kingdom Swift Chocolate
Swift Chocolate (Sea Salt Toppings)
Eat before it melts! This chocolate can decrease the Cookie’s Cooldown.
  Equip 5: -5% Cooldown 
Sub-stat Priority: ATK = DMG Resist > Cooldown >Crit Resist > Crit > Speed
Cookie Run Kingdom Milky Way Cookie Solid Almond (Moonkissed)
Solid Almond (Sea Salt Toppings)
A solid almond like this one can increase the Cookie’s DMG Resist.
Equip 5:
 +5% DMG Resist 
Sub-stat Priority: Cooldown > ATK >DMG Resist >Crit Resist > Crit > Speed

Final Thoughts

Peppermint Cookie is overall a great Support Cookie to have in your roster due to their abilities to provide an assortment amount of buffs and help to the team. Peppermint Cookie can heal, provide an HP shield, increase resistance, and can even deal a considerable amount of DMG to the enemies. The healing they provide can rival Parfait Cookie and can be a great alternative if you need a good healer in your team.

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