
Dream Farm: Harvest Day Beginners Guide and Tips

A new life in the country is calling!

Dream Farm: Harvest Day is a construction and development simulation game, published by JoyMore Game. In this game, the players are first shown the tutorial about how to play the game and how to make produce. In this game, the player can expand the country space, research new production methods, build new spaces, trade raw and finished products, and make money. 

Gameplay Overview

As soon as the player enters the game, they are introduced to the ways of the game. They are led into the basics of farming, building, and trading in the tutorial. The tutorial lasts along the way of the game and it pops up every time the player has to do something new during the span of the game. The homepage consists mainly of the farm and various elements in it. The main motto of the game is to follow the triad of produce, create, and trade. The main agenda of the game is to produce raw materials, use the raw materials to feed other animals and make products, sell them, and earn money through the products.

Introducing the basics of Dream Farm: Harvest Day

The tutorial shows all the basic workings of the game, along with information about basic buildings like animal feed produce, barn, etc. After the tutorial is finished, the player can explore their town and see how to improve the farm.

Players have the scope to constantly improve and add new elements to the game through research. When the player does research, they have the scope to add a new feature or building, or material to the farm.

Dream Farm: Harvest Day Beginners Guide
Image via JoyMore Game

Along with new additional resources, the players will get rewards for finishing research. Another main section of the game is to trade and sell the resources grown or produced on the farm. The players can sell raw materials or make another product using the raw material and sell it.

Research, Produce, Create, and Trade

There are a few default products and raw materials in the game. But as the game moves forward, the players will get new types of products and raw materials through the form of rewards or research. All the products can be unlocked using research.

  • Research: The research part of the game allows the players to look into new research items and unlock new features and products. This is very important for the improvement of the farm.
  • Produce: Most of the main products or raw materials are produced in buildings and harvested on farms. The raw products can be produced through farming. Few products are a product of raw materials. Both types of products give scope to make money.
  • Create: For the players to produce or improve the farm, they need spaces that can store, process and create new products for the use of trading by the player. 
  • Trade: After the main agenda of creating and collecting products, the next step coming to the game is to sell the products. The players can use the drone to deliver products and receive money, rewards, and goodwill.


The main farm of the game, named at the player’s choice, is the center of the screen of the game. The farm consists of crops, animals, animal food produce, barn storage, houses, shepherd’s houses, and shops. The players can grow raw products, make products with raw products, collect rent, and increase and improve the population and comfort of the population about the place development. All the buildings responsible for the working of the farm consists here.

UAV Order (Drone Orders)

UAV Order
Image via JoyMore Game

On the bottom right of the screen, the players can see a drone emoji, which represents the UAV order. Here the players can see the list of orders from the residents and shop owners. The players can send deliveries using a drone and receive rewards.

Comfort Level

On the top left of the screen, the players can see a smiley emoji. This represents the comfort level of the townspeople. If the comfort level is low, it indicates that the player has to improve the population capacity of the game by expanding the space and building new shelters for new neighbors.

In-game Features and Characteristics

The main homepage of the game consists of the farm and its contents. The players can play the game and access various features for the game along the homepage of the game. A few of the main features and characteristics of the game are:

  • Mainline Task: On the bottom right of the screen, the players can see a checklist icon, which represents the missions of the game. Here the players can see all the available missions for them. The players can see and claim rewards from finished tasks. This part of the game is the main income source for younger people.
  • Profile: On the top left of the screen, to the left of the comfort level smiley emoji, represents the player’s profile. Upon clicking on this, the players can see the basic profile details and achievements of the player so far in the game.
Dream Farm: Harvest Day Beginners Guide
Image via JoyMore Game
  • Build Store: On the bottom right of the screen, right next to the UAV orders, the players can see a build shop icon. Upon clicking on this the players can see all the possible spaces and items they can build. All the entities can be unlocked using money, research, or by leveling up. The types of structures that can be built are categorized.
  • Rent: The players can collect rent from all the structures on the farm. The rent is collected over time. Even the shops need to pay the rent.

Dream Farm: Harvest Day Beginners Guide: Tips and Tricks

Dream Farm: Harvest day is one of the calmest yet most stimulating construction simulation games. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started with the game:

  • Always check the health and quality condition of the offspring of animals. Qualities of each mating combination may differ
  • Constantly collect rents from different buildings to receive consistent income.
  • Always check the comfort of the population because the efficiency of work depends on the comfort of the citizens
  • Use research to develop the farm.
  • You can decorate and arrange buildings as per your wish. This allows you to set it aesthetically.

Overall, Dream Farm: Harvest Day is an exciting simulation game. So go ahead and give it a try and if you ever have trouble understanding the basics, you can always refer to our guide for tips. Happy gaming!

That’s all for today’s Dream Farm: Harvest Day Beginners Guide! Did you find this Dream Farm: Harvest Day Beginners Guide useful? Let us know in the comments below!

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