No sooner the Top Transfers Event finished, EA released two events simultaneously. The newly introduced Hazard Event and the holiday special FIFA Mobile 20 Easter Event!
Go on an Egg Hunt and progress down the path of your choice to earn a selection of Easter Players. Collect Basket Points to spend on Jewelled Egg Masters and pick up a few Golden Eggs for chances of a Golden Ticket!
FIFA Mobile 20 Easter Event Description
- Event Duration: April 9th – April 23rd (14 Days)
- Ads: 3 ads daily giving 8 Easter Energy per ad
- Coin Packs: 10 Coin Packs weekly giving 15 Easter Energy for 150,000 coins
- Energy: Energy refreshes 2 per hour with a max of 30 Easter Energy
- Daily Login: 1 Painted Egg
FIFA Mobile 20 Easter Event Flow
In the main tab, you will be spending your Easter Energy in a specific Colored Egg Hunt by playing Skill Games or Matches to win Colored Eggs.
Decide your choice of egg path (Red, Green or Blue) based on what works best on your team.
Every skill game requires 2 Easter Energy in return for 6 Colored Eggs. There are also coin packs that give 15 Easter energy to a limit of 10 per week for 150,000 coins each and 3 daily ads giving 8 Easter energy each.
Additionally, there are Milestones where on playing 10 Skill games daily you earn 10 Basket points. Completing one colored egg path gives you back two Hazard keys, that’s an important one so make sure you complete a colored egg path.
On completing all the colored paths you get a 101 Prime Icon Stoichkov which obviously is not free to play.
Color Egg Paths
You use those eggs earned in the skill games towards your way down colored paths to earn resources and players. Each path is the same in what they require, there’s no advantage to one path other than the players that are in the path. Completing the path rewards you with a 98 OVR Master player of that respective path.
To finish one of the colored paths, it requires 4020 colored eggs. Rewards are the same throughout the three paths. After you complete a path you unlock a special match that requires regular energy to play. It’s a tough match, but you do end up with a colored Easter Logo of that respective colored path. Not that the logo is the reason for you choose a path.
Daily Matches
There are three daily bonus matches you can play, there are easy, medium and hard matches similar to Top Transfers. Thus the harder the difficulty, the better the rewards. They require regular stamina and winning them returns with coins, boosts, and players.

There are also Two SBCs, which exchanges for a ton of Rank Shards, which you will use for ranking up. You should be completing both of the SBCs but the longer you wait, the cheaper the players will become. It’s not that tough, each requires only 4 players, all of them being 86+ OVR, while two of them being Easter players. By next week, Easter players will be cheap enough so just hold off on completing the SBCs for a little while, you have until the course of the event.

Basket Rewards
At specific nodes throughout the path, there are Basket Points, these are what you are gonna use in the Basket Rewards tab. They are respectively at Node 3, Node 10 and Node 16 in the Colored Paths. You get 10 Basket Points per day as a part of the Daily Milestones. You can trade-in your Basket Points in exchange for resources and player rewards in the rewards tab.
Running the Math for F2P Players
As per our calculations, the following sums up the chances for F2P Players.
Resource Management
Energy | 30 Initially | Total |
Hourly Refresh | 2 Per Hour | 671 |
Weekly Coin Pack | 150 Per Week | 300 |
Daily Ads | 24 Per Day | 336 |
Total 1337 Easter Energy and 1037 without the Coin Packs
Each Skill game requires 2 Easter Energy which translates to 6 Colored Eggs. So the 1337 Easter Energy translates to a total of 4008 Colored Eggs.
Total 4008 Colored Eggs and 3108 without the Coin Packs
Basket Points | 140 From the Path | Total |
Daily Skill Game Milestone | 10 Per Day | 140 |
Total of 280 Basket Points
You can get additional Easter Energy or Basket Points from the Daily Login Painted Eggs.
Update: During the daily reset on 16th April, EA rewarded 45 Easter Energy as a compensation. Now without the hassle of Painted Egg offers, the total energy rises to 1382 Easter Energy thus, converting to 4146 Colored Eggs.
Update: During the Content Update made on 21st April, EA started awarding 25 Easter Energy daily for the remaining three days. Now this total 75 energy converted to an additional 225 Colored Eggs, which totally adds up to 4371 Colored Eggs, all without the offer of any Painted Egg Offer.
FIFA Mobile 20 Easter Tips and Tricks
With a much surprising Picnic Party event, Easter is a grinding event, well sort of. Play the skill games every day and you walk out with two master players and a ton of resources. So before proceeding here is our suggestion.
Colored Eggs
Complete one colored path, that’s it one path nothing more than that. Look at the players on the path and make a decision based on your team and what works best for you. Each path completion requires 4020 Colored Eggs. Now here comes the luck.
By playing the skill games every day and buying the weekly coin packs, you get a total of 4008 Colored Eggs, which is 12 short of the required. But don’t forget you can earn more energy per day when you turn in your painted egg. It’s possible, it’s not a given but remember that.
So with the daily painted egg giving 15 energy, if you are lucky at least once over the next 14 days, you get the required Colored eggs to complete one path Free to Play. Worst case you’re gonna have to open a gem pack. so if you are barely short of the requirement you have to open a 2500 Gem pack for 125 Colored Eggs. But you should be able to earn event energy at least once, out of the 14 day painted egg events.
Update: During the daily reset on 16th April, EA rewarded 45 Easter Energy as a compensation. Now without the hassle of Painted Egg offers, the total energy rises to 1382 Easter Energy thus, converting to 4146 Colored Eggs. So you would find no trouble in landing your totally Free to Play 98 OVR Master Player Reward without using any gem packs.
Update: During the Content Update made on 21st April, EA started awarding 25 Easter Energy daily for the remaining three days. Now this total 75 energy converted to an additional 225 Colored Eggs, which totally adds up to 4371 Colored Eggs, all without the offer of any Painted Egg Offer.
Basket Points
If you go down a single path you get a total of 140 Basket Points at nodes 3,10 and 16. Additionally, you get 10 per day for 14 days by completing the daily milestone. That brings your guaranteed total to 280 Basket Points.
Again similar to energy, there are 10 Basket Points in the daily Painted Egg offer so it could be a little higher than 280 but it’s gonna come down to luck.
Coming back to the basket rewards tab, those 280 are gonna get you a 91 rated or 93 rated jeweled egg master, so any of the first four are gonna be achievable free to play.
Bonus Tip
For choosing the path, look at the players in the path and make your choice. Blue Colored Path might be the way as it has the most number of EPL Players and a 98 rated Centre Back is gonna give the most from this event. Also, the Red Path is pretty useful as it has a goalkeeper and the 98 rated striker has good stats.
If you are curious you can buy eggs at a rate of 125 eggs per 2500 gems. Therefore it takes 33 gem packs to complete one entire path and 66 gem packs to complete all the three paths and earn that Prime Icon Stoichkov. Haha.
From the Basket Rewards, you can earn all your free to play or you could all in and turn all 280 Basket Points in skill boosts where you get 1400 skill boosts over the course of the event. Added to that 3095 skill boosts from the colored path and another 75 Skill Boosts you get every day from the hard bonus match, that takes to a total of 5445 Skill Boosts from the event, within your reach all free to play!
FIFA Mobile 20 Easter Player Rewards
The following are the Player Rewards available in the Colored Paths.

The following players are available in the Basket Rewards Chapter

Golden Egg and Ticket
You may receive Golden eggs over the course of the event. These you will trade-in on the Basket Rewards for random resources and a chance at a Willy Wonka Golden Ticket for a maxed-out over 100 OVR Player. Don’t get too excited, there is a chance, more of us will get struck by lightning before this event ends than we will get on of those golden tickets. And that does make sense.
That’s it, Easter Event, in a nutshell, you get a ton of resources, 2 Hazard keys a 88 rated Player, a 92 rated Player, and a 98 rated Easter Master all free to play. It’s not bad, in fact, it’s great!.
Want to build your team with the best players? Check our suggestions below!
Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, I’ll make sure to reply to everyone.
Hope you find this FIFA Mobile 20 Easter event Guide useful. For more guides like this, make sure to follow Gamingonphone on Facebook and Twitter.
By playing skill games daily and buying weekly coin packs alone ( without watching ads) I can buy 98 ovr master?
Sorry mate, you need to watch the ads daily as well, they do play their part in landing you the master card, plus you need to get stamina at least once from the painted egg offer over the course of the event. Hope it helps. Cheers!
In day 8 of the eastern event how many eggs should i have
Taking into consideration that you did buy all the coin packs of last week and watched daily ads. You should have just passed node 16 ie the last 100 Basket Points offer. Roughly that amounts to 2020 eggs till now, hope it helps. Cheers