ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4: Tips to Find Heist Bags in the game

Use the heist bags to your advantage!

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 has introduced a new theme to the game, one which advocates heists in the game. Titled Last Resort, the new season of Fortnite brings in the theme of heists which has allowed the developers to add new and unique loot in the game to allow players to have a unique experience this season different than the previous ones. Part of this unique loot added for this season includes the Heist Bags which include pretty unique loot like Mythic rarity weapons and items such as the Foundation’s MK-Seven Assault Rifle and Ocean’s Bottomless Chug Jug. In this Fortnite Guide, we will break down the components of these Heist Bags and will explain how the players would be able to obtain them.

Where to find the Heist Bags in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4

Heist Bags are necessary for the players to equip themselves with the weapons and equipment needed to successfully complete the heists on the three different strongholds in the game. These locations are Relentless Retreat, Eclipse Estate, and Sanguine Suites. Do make sure to go through our detailed guide on how to break the walls and security gates of these strongholds, to get a basic idea as to how the players will be able to successfully conduct a heist in Fortnite.

Fortnite Heist Bags, Fortnite
Image via Epic Games

These Heist bags are necessary for conducting these raids as they have all the necessary equipment that would be required for the players to conduct a heist. Heist bags are generally easy to find near the heist areas which are Relentless Retreat, Eclipse Estate, and Sanguine Suites. They don’t have a specific location near these areas and may spawn differently in the same area. Hence scanning these areas could be the safest bet for players to have their hands on these bags.

How to use the Heist Bags in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4

The bags contain very high-end equipment in the game and may prove to be the difference in the game by making it easier for the players to cut past the walls and gates of strongholds, thus allowing players with better equipment for the rest of the battle royale. Though some of the heist bags might contain some normal weapons in the game, they would also have high-end equipment like Business Turret, the Rocket Ram, Remote Explosives, Crash Pads, silenced weapons, ammo, and other high-end healing items.

Fortnite Heist Bags, Fortnite
Image via Epic Games

Hence it’s safe to say that these heist bags could prove to be the point of difference in the game, and give the players that extra competitive edge in the game needed to land the victory royale. Not to mention the importance of these bags in helping the players get inside the strongholds for their heists. We hope that with this Fortnite Guide players would have understood the components and locations of these heist bags in the game.

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