Genshin Impact Version 4.7 update has brought a new set of enemies for both Floor 11 in the Spiral Abyss. Since these are the topmost floors of the Abyss, ensure that you have units that are at least sufficiently built for the teams they are in. In this guide, we will explain the new changes in the current Spiral Abyss, how to clear them in the current Genshin Impact 4.7 patch update, and the most optimal teams that can be used.
Genshin Impact 4.7 Update Spiral Abyss Guide: How to clear Floor 11
Ley Line Disorders
- All characters in the party gain a 60% Electro DMG Bonus.
- All party members receive a 60% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Chamber 1

First Half
- In all four waves, the Slimes will attack the Monolith unless you attack them first to get their attention. When you defeat a Slime, the next one will spawn immediately, without a break between waves.
- If you have Anemo characters with crowd-control abilities, use them here to gather all the Slimes in one place. Also, bring at least one Hydro character to remove the Pyro Slimes’ Ignite state. If you defeat the Pyro Slimes while they’re ignited, they will explode and damage the Monolith if they are nearby.
Second Half
- In all four waves, the Slimes will attack the Monolith unless you attack them first to get their attention. Once you defeat a Slime, the next one spawns immediately, without a break between waves.
- Bring at least one Pyro character to remove the Cryo shield from the Large Cryo Slimes. Blunt attacks like those from Claymores also work. With a Pyro character, you can also Vaporize or Melt other Slimes, making Pyro the best element for this part.
Chamber 2

First Half
- In the first wave, two Electro Geovishaps will appear in the front area. You’ve fought this enemy before, so you know the strategy: use brute force. There’s nothing special to mention except that Geovishaps will be staggered if they slam attack a shielded character. Initially, they are normal Geovishaps, but when their HP drops to around 40%, they will infuse themselves with Electro. This constant electrostate makes it easier to trigger elemental reactions.
- In the second wave, two more Geovishaps will appear in the back area. These will infuse with Pyro when their health is low. If you’re too far from them, you can either sprint back or wait for a moment. The Geovishaps will perform a slam attack aimed at your current position, indicated by a red circle on the ground when they leap into the air.
Second Half
- There is only one wave here, and two veteran Phantasms will spawn side by side in the front area. These Phantasms are like the Local Legends in Fontaine, entering an Enraged State from the start and staying that way permanently. In this state, their attacks are stronger and they cannot be Frozen.
- The Water-Spouting Phantasm (on your right) is slower than the Water-Splitting one. At the start of the challenge, focus on the Water-Spouting Phantasm on the right and let the Water-Splitting Phantasm chase you. When they are close to each other, deal as much damage as possible while avoiding their attacks (unless you have a shield to protect yourself).
- If you defeat one Phantasm, it won’t be revived if you defeat the remaining one within a limited time, so don’t worry about it coming back.
Chamber 3

First Half
- In the first wave, there are three Fatui in the middle. Approach one of the Pyroslinger Bracers so that his back is towards the Anemoboxer and the other Pyroslinger. When you get too close, he will jump back towards the other two. If you can’t group them and don’t have Anemo CC, focus on one Pyroslinger first, then the other, and finally deal with the Anemoboxer (who will chase you anyway).
- In the second wave, two Ruin Drakes will appear where the Fatui were. If you’re far from this spot, run to them since Ruin Drakes are slow. When they appear, target one Ruin Drake and the other will follow. Watch for when the Ruin Drake charges (indicated by two swirling devices on its body) before scattering bombs. It’s best to attack its weak point, the glowing orange orbs on its head, to paralyze it. If you fail to do so, the Ruin Drake will gain 40% resistance to the element that has caused the most damage so far (indicated by the color of the bombs).
Second Half
- The first and only wave is with the Jadeplume Terrorshroom. When the challenge starts, make sure you’re within the Jadeplume’s attack range if you have a melee DPS character, as most of its attacks are short-range and can be dodged. If you have a shielder or healer, you can attack the Jadeplume directly to end the fight faster.
- The Jadeplume has three states: Normal, Activated, and Scorched:
- Normal State: This is its default form.
- Activated State: This occurs when its Fury bar, under its HP, is filled by your Electro attacks. In this state, the Jadeplume has different attack modes but will eventually become paralyzed from exhaustion for 15 seconds.
- Scorched State: This happens when the Jadeplume is affected by Burning (Dendro + Pyro). The main issue here is that it can summon up to four Fungi, wasting your time in the challenge.
- Both Activated and Scorched states have their advantages, so choose the one that suits your team best. For the Activated state, avoid its powerful attacks and wait until it is paralyzed to spam your attacks. For the Scorched state, destroy the Fungi spores with Electro, Hydro, or Pyro within 3 seconds to prevent them from spawning. AoE attacks with these elements are especially effective.
Optimal Team Comps to use on Floor 11 in Genshin Impact 4.7 Update Spiral Abyss
For the first half, any elements are recommended except for the not-recommended ones. Anemo CC is highly recommended here because there are many mobs in this half compared to the second half. If you only have one Anemo CC character, bring them here to help manage the large number of enemies. The not recommended elements for the first half are Pyro, Electro, and Physical.
Pyro and Electro are not recommended because there are Geovishaps with these elements. However, if you feel confident in overpowering them, you can still use these elements. Physical is not recommended because there are Ruin enemies that have high resistance to Physical damage. If you still prefer to use these elements, you are free to do so.
For the second half, Pyro is highly recommended. Besides Pyro, it is advisable to bring a single-target DPS rather than AoE DPS because you will be facing 1-2 enemies only in Chambers 2 and 3. If you have Anemo CC, bring them if you want to gather enemies in Chamber 1 and for Elemental RES shredding in other chambers. Hydro is not recommended for the second half unless you are bringing Nilou for Bounty Bloom. Hydro itself is not a bad element, but there are Hydro Slimes and Phantasms here, which are immune to Hydro. However, Nilou and her Bounty Bloom are great options because the explosion deals Dendro damage, not Hydro.
F2P Team Recommendation
Advanced Team Recommendation
- First Half: Clorinde +Nahida + Furina + Kazuha
- Second Half: Raiden Shogun + Bennett + Xingqiu + Xiangling
That’s how you can clear the Spiral Abyss Floor 11 in the Genshin Impact 4.7 update!
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