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Genshin Impact Bennett guide: Best weapons, artifacts, and materials required for ascension

All you need to know about Bennett, and the ways to unleash his maximum potential.

Genshin Impact is an adventure RPG released by miHoyo in 2020. In a short period, the game has become one of the most successful adventures RPG titles ever to have been released. This guide will be looking into one of the most popular characters in Genshin Impact, Bennett, and the best weapons, artifacts, and materials required for his ascension

How to get Bennett

Bennett can be obtained from both Event and Standard Banners. Each 20 days Event and Weapon Banner will change. Sometimes Bennett will be a rate-up character. Since he is a 4-star character, he is available in all the banners, including Weapon Banner.

Genshin Impact Bennett guide
Bennett (image via siliconera)

Bennett: Playstyle and skillset of the character

Bennett was discovered and raised by elderly adventurers in Mondstadts Adventurers Guild. Due to his constant misfortune, no one joins his Adventure team called Benny’s Adventure Team. He is the only one on the team. Bennett is a 4-star Pyro Sword wielder, and his constellation is Fire Ventures with Me. 

Strike of FortuneNormal Attack
Bennett can perform up to 5 rapid strikes with his sword 
Strike of FortuneCharge Attack
It consumes a certain amount of stamina to unleash 2 rapid sword swings. 
Strike of FortunePlunging Attack 
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE DMG and there are Low/High Plunge DMG to perform. 
Passion OverloadElemental Skill
Press A single swift flame strike that deals Pyro DMG.

Hold (Level 1)Strikes twice, dealing Pyro DMG and launching enemies.

Hold (Level 2)Unleashes 3 consecutive attacks that deal with impressive Pyro DMG, but the last attack triggers an explosion that launches both Bennet and the enemy.
Fantastic VoyageElemental Burst
Benny will heal the character within the Elemental Burst circle. If the health of the character falls below or equal to 70%, their health will continuously regenerate based on his Max HP. If the health of a character in the circle is higher than 70%, they gain an ATK Bonus that is based on Bennett’s Base ATK. He also applies the pyro element to characters within the field. 

Bennett’s Passive

  • Fearnaught- within the area created by Fantastic Voyage, Passion Overload takes on the following effects: cooldown is reduced by 50%.
  • Rekindle- Decreases Passion Overload’s cooldown by 20%.
  • It Should Be Safe- when dispatched on an expedition in Mondstadt, the time consumed is reduced by 25%.

Special Dish

Each character in the Genshin Impact game will have a special Dish. Bennett’s specialty dish is Teyvat Charred Egg. For some reason, every single fried egg is a little burnt around the edges. That said, the burnt crisp does lend a whole new flavour to the dish.

Genshin Impact Bennett guide
Tevyat Charred Egg

Sets to farm for Bennett in Genshin Impact

There are two recommended artifact sets for Bennett. These two include Noblesse Oblige and Crimson Witch of Flames. Both of these artifact sets are great on Bennett, each for different reasons. Noblesse Oblige will greatly increase his Elemental Burst damage and it would greatly boost the party members Attack.

Stats to look on artifacts

ArtifactMain statSub Stat
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Energy Recharge
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Energy Recharge
SandsHP%/Energy RechargeATK%
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Energy Recharge
GobletPyro Damage%ATK%
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Energy Recharge
CircletCrit Rate/Crit DamageATK%
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Energy Recharge

Materials required for ascension of Bennett

The materials needed to ascend Bennett from Level 1 to Level 90 are as follows:

Genshin Impact Bennett guide
Materials required for Bennett’s ascension
1xAgnidus Agate Sliver
9xAgnidus Agate Fragment
9xAgnidus Agate Chunk
6xAgnidus Agate Gemstone
46xEverflame Seed
168xWindwheel Aster
18xTreasure Hoarder Insignia
30xSilver Raven Insignia
36xGolden Raven Insignia
Experience414 Hero’s wit, 13 Adventurer’s XP, 22 Wanderers advice, and 1,672,000 Mora

Talent Upgrade Materials for Bennett

3XTeachings of Resistance
21XGuide to Resistance
38XPhilosophies of Resistance
6XTreasure Hoarder Insignia
22XSilver Raven Insignia
31XGolden Raven Insignia
6XDvalin’s Plum
1XCrown of Insight

Best weapons for Bennett in Genshin Impact

As Bennett is support and sub-DPS character, weapons with high base Attack, Energy recharge would be a great addition to his ability.

  • Skyward Blade(5*)
  • Aquila Favonia(5*)
  • Mistsplitter Reforged(5*)
  • The Alley Flash(4*)
  • Favonius Sword(4*)
Genshin Impact Bennett guide
Aquila Favonia, one of the best weapons for Bennett

Best Team Comp

Bennett is an excellent support character one who always will be there on your team during Spiral Abyss. He is an elemental burst Sub-DPS character. Bennett excels all other support characters with his Elemental Burst skill. He heals the party and at the same time, he gives ATK boost to all the party members.

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