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Genshin Impact Electro Traveler guide: New Skills, best weapons, artifacts and materials required for ascension

Genshin Impact, a successful game released in 2020, will have one of its largest updates released with the 2.0 Update. Genshin 2.0 will give us the third accessible region of the game Inazuma. Like other regions, there are special elemental affinities in Genshin Impact. This includes the likes of Monstadt with Anemo, Liyue with Geo. With the release of Inazuma, it is found to share affinities with Electro. With every new region’s Statue of the Seven giving the main character (Lumine/Aether), an affinity from the element. In this Genshin Impact guide, we will talk about all you need to know about Electro Traveler, his/her builds, and the materials required for his/her ascension.

The Traveler: Playstyle and skill-set of the character

Genshin Impact Electro Traveler Guide
Traveler in Genshin Impact (Image via miHoYo)

The Traveler is likely to have four more forms other than the three revealed ones, one for each primary element present in Genshin Impact. Naturally, each should have its distinct gameplay. This guide will discuss the current Electro Traveler expectations and how it will fare against current electro users.

Foreign ThundershockNormal Attack
Normal Attack: Traveler performs up to 5 consecutive strikes.
Charged Attack: Traveler consumes stamina to perform a quick 2 strike combo.
Plunge Attack: Traveler plunges from mid-air damaging units as it passes and dealing AOE damage when reaching the ground.
Lightning BladeElemental Skill
After hitting an opponent, Traveler unleashes three quick thunder shadows that deal Electro DMG and leave an Abundance Amulet behind. Initially, abundant amulets can be created. Using this skill will clear any abundance of amulets you’ve created.
Amulets of Abundance help in absorbing the Amulets grants the traveler the following benefits and restoring Elemental Energy. It also increases Energy Recharge during the duration of the Abundance Amulet.
Bellowing ThunderElemental Burst
Traveler summons the lighting’s protection, throwing nearby opponents back and dealing Electro DMG to them.
Lightning Shroud
When the active character’s normal or charged strikes hit an opponent, they summon Falling Thunder, dealing Electro DMG.
When falling thunder strikes an opponent, it restores Energy to that character. Every 0.5s, one instance of Falling Thunder can be generated.

Passive Talents


Lightning Blade’s CD is reduced by 1.5s when another adjacent character in the group acquires an Abundance amulet generated by Lightning Blade.

Resounding Roar

It also increases Lightning Blade’s Abundance Amulet’s Energy Recharge effect by 10% of the Traveler’s Energy Recharge.


Spring Thunder of Fertility

The number of Abundance Amulets that can be created with the Lighting Blade has been increased to three.

Violet Vehemence

When Bellowing Thunder’s Falling Thunder strikes an opponent, it reduces their Electro RES by 15% for 8 seconds.

Distant Crackling

It increases Bellowing Thunder’s level by 3. The maximum upgrade level has been raised to 15.

Fickle Cloudstrike

When a character acquires Abundance Amulets made by Lightning Blade if this character’s energy is less than 35%, the energy restored by the Abundance Amulets is enhanced by 100%

Clamor in the Wilds

Level 3 of Lightning Blade is increased. The highest upgrade level has been raised to 15.


Every two Falling Thunder strikes triggered by Bellowing Thunder will enhance the Damage caused by the next Falling Thunder by 100% and restore 1 Energy to the current character.

Artifact sets to farm for Electro Traveler in Genshin Impact

There are two recommended artifact sets for the Electro Traveler. This includes the likes of ‘Thundering Fury’ and ‘Gladiator’s Finale’. Both of these sets are great on the main character for different reasons. While Gladiator’s Finale would greatly increase his/her damage potential, Thundering Fury would greatly increase his/her supportive DPS capabilities with his/her Electro skills.

ArtifactMain StatSub Stat



Crit rate/Crit Damage/ Elemental Mastery



Crit rate/Crit Damage/ Elemental Mastery


Elemental Mastery

Crit rate/Crit Damage/ Elemental Mastery


Electro DMG Bonus

Crit rate/Crit Damage/ Elemental Mastery


Crit rate/ Crit Damage

Crit rate/Crit Damage/ Elemental Mastery

Materials required for ascension of Aether/Lumine

In this Genshin Impact Electro Traveler guide, the materials needed to ascend the Traveler from level 1 to level 90 are as follows.

Genshin Impact Electro Traveler Guide
Materials required for the ascension of Aether/Lumine
1xBrilliant Diamond Sliver
9xBrilliant Diamond Fragment
9xBrilliant Diamond Chunk
6xBrilliant Diamond Gemstone
168xWindwheel Aster
18xDamaged Mask
30xStained Mask
36xOminous Mask
Experience414 Hero’s wit, 13 Adventurer’s XP, 22 Wanderers advice, and 1,672,000 Mora

Talent upgrade materials for Aether/Lumine

3xTeachings of Transcience
21xGuide to Transcience
38xPhilosophies of Light
6xOld Handguard
22xKageuchi Handguard
31xFamed Handguard
6xDragon Lord’s Crown
1xCrown of Insight

Best weapons for the Electro Traveler in Genshin Impact

With the Electro version of Traveler being a DPS or a support DPS character, weapons with a greater Elemental Mastery, Crit rate, and Crit Damage would be of a great addition to his/her abilities.

Genshin Impact Electro Traveler Guide
Best weapons for the Electro Traveler in Genshin Impact
  • Skyward blade (5*)
  • The black sword (4*)
  • Sacrificial sword (4*)
  • Lion’s Roar (4*)

With all that being said, we cannot wait for the addition of the new region and especially the Inazuma region in the game. His/her new skills and abilities would be a great addition to the ever-expanding strategies in Genshin Impact.

What are your thoughts on the Genshin Impact Electro Traveler Guide? Let us know in the comments below.

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