Genshin Impact has officially released Version 4.0 packed with amazing content such as new regions, exploration, characters, quests, etc. One of the new content has introduced a new Genshin Impact Boss located in Fontaine called the Emperor of Fire and Iron. The new boss is located within the underwater sea and resides in a volcanic environment. The lair at which it resides has boiling water surrounding it that can deplete your character’s HP upon contact, so be careful while exploring. The Emperor of Fire and Iron is located in the new Fontaine update expansion.
- How to find and unlock the Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss in Genshin Impact
- Genshin Impact Emperor of Fire and Iron: Quick Overview
- Materials and items dropped by the Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss
- How to Defeat the Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss in Genshin Impact
- Genshin Impact Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss: All Achievements
- Recommended Team Comps for the Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss in Genshin Impact
As of the current Version 4.0, Lyney is the only playable character that will be requiring the Ascension Materials dropped from the boss. In this guide, we will be discussing and giving tips on how to defeat the Emperor of Fire and Iron in Genshin Impact, along with recommending what characters one should use in the boss fight.
How to find and unlock the Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss in Genshin Impact
The Emperor of Fire and Iron is located west-eastern on the Belleau Region in Fontaine. To access the boss, players need to unlock the Fontaine region, specifically below the area of the West Slopes of Mont Automnequi and above where the Romantine Harbour is found.

Unlocking the Fontaine region will easily let the Adventurer’s Handbook locate the Emperor of Fire and Iron for the player. There are nearby teleport waypoints where players can get as close as possible to the boss’s location. Players can unlock the nearest Teleport Waypoint and teleport to the Boss as close as possible.

It is to be noted that the Boss is located underwater. Players need to first unlock the Underwater region in order to have access to the Boss’s location. Teleport to the Waypoint closest to the Boss’s location area. Then dive underwater and swim rightwards till you find an opening below that diverges to an underground cave. Keep swimming downwards till you emerge to the surface of the boss. Unlock the nearby Teleport Waypoint for easier access. Be careful of the boiling water surrounding the Boss as it can deplete one’s HP.
Genshin Impact Emperor of Fire and Iron: Quick Overview
Description: One of the two sovereigns who once stood at the apex of the aberrant species of the Fontemer, and the subject of many a tale among sailors. An Armored Crab that avoids predation, and can keep hunting and eating, will continue to grow, continually seeking out suitable shells to become its new armor.

But eventually, it became simply too gargantuan. Before the first Diluvian period, a massive Armored Crab once attacked a ship and was finally forced back into the depths by Basil Elton, who had not yet been reinstated as a naval commander.
Materials and items dropped by the Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss
- Character Ascension Material: Emperor’s Resolution
- Artifact Sets: Berserker, Instructor, Adventurer, Gladiator’s Finale, and Wanderer’s Troupe
- Ascension Gems: Agnidus Agate Sliver, Agnidus Agate Fragment, Agnidus Agate Chunk, Agnidus Agate Gemstone.
How to Defeat the Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss in Genshin Impact
The Emperor of Fire and Iron boasts a notable resilience against Pyro, demonstrating an approximately 60% resistance to this element. Moreover, with the imposing presence of its Molten Horns, the Emperor further fortifies its defenses, bolstering its resistance to all elemental influences by 60% while attaining the capacity for unleashing heightened and more formidable assaults.
Optimal strategy dictates a deliberate focus on shattering the Molten Horns’ protective barrier through the adept application of non-Pyro elemental forces. Notably, targeting the Red Horns stands paramount in diminishing the protective veil.
Attack Patterns and Abilities
- Ambush: When the Emperor becomes aggressive, it performs a claw attack by striking the ground in front of it. This attack deals damage to the targeted characters, with the amount of damage being 50% of the enemy’s attack. The damage dealt is Physical DMG, affecting multiple targets in an AoE attack, making it important for players to consider positioning far away at the initial fight when they approach the enemy.
- Left Claw Strike: Attacks with its left claw, dealing 60% ATK as Physical DMG. The boss is quite slow when it comes to attacking so players can easily notice when the boss readies its claw to attack and dodge on time.
- Right Claw Strike: Attacks with its right claw, dealing 50% ATK or 60% ATK as Physical DMG. The boss is quite slow when it comes to attacking so players can easily notice when the boss readies its claw to attack and dodge on time.
- Charging Strike: When the player is targeted, the enemy charges forward and swings one of its claws, causing damage equal to 70% of its Attack in a standard Physical ATK. However, this attack is exclusive only when the Boss’s Molten Horns are still unharmed. It is advisable that players either remove the Molten Horns buff or time the attack in order to dodge.
- Leaping Crush: Leaps into the air and slams down at the player’s exact location, dealing 80% ATK as AoE Physical DMG. After this attack, its horns become exposed to melee attacks for a period of time. This attack is only used while the Molten Horns are intact. Time the attack and dodge it, afterwards when the horns get exposed quickly deal DMG to it in order to remove the buff.

- Volcanic Eruption: Shoots countless fireballs out of its horns, each dealing 50% ATK as AoE Pyro DMG upon landing and leaving the struck ground burnt. Burnt Ground deals 6% ATK as Pyro DMG every 0.5s to players standing on it. This attack is only used while the Molten Horns are intact. This moveset is tricky to time since the fireballs are shot at random places while also leaving the ground deal Pyro DMG afterward. It is best to avoid such ATK and keep a distance when the Boss performs such an attack.
- Molten Trail: Thrusts a fireball into the ground with its claw, dealing 30% ATK as AoE Pyro DMG, and causes a trail of explosions, dealing 70% ATK as AoE Pyro DMG and leaving the ground burning. Burnt Ground deals 6% ATK as Pyro DMG every 0.5s to players standing on it. This attack is only used while the Molten Horns are intact. The shot is done in a straight horizontal line so move sideways to avoid the ATK.
- Searing Coronation: Moves to the center of the arena and half-buries itself to charge a massive explosion, dealing 100% ATK as AoE Pyro DMG and leaving ground near the center of the arena burnt. Burnt Ground deals 6% ATK as Pyro DMG every 0.5s to players standing on it. While charging the explosion, its horns are exposed to melee attacks. This attack is only used while the Molten Horns are intact. It is difficult to i-frame the attack. The damage is done in a wide AoE scale so it’s best to move as far away as possible during this attack. Using a Hydro Bow character will be useful to deal DMG to the Horns.
- Regeneration: If players manage to strike the Molten Horns, it will regenerate after a while. The boss digs into the ground and resurfaces with a new pair of intact horns
Genshin Impact Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss: All Achievements
There are 2 total Achievements that are related to the new Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss. Complete them all to obtain Primogems.
- The King is Dead, Long Live the King!: Interrupt the Emperor of Fire and Iron’s Searing Coronation. Make sure to lower the Emperor of Fire and Iron to make it easier. When it starts to burrow itself underground. Break the shield and you will get this Achievement.
- A Successful Hunt: Defeat the Emperor of Fire and Iron in Co-Op Mode.
Recommended Team Comps for the Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss in Genshin Impact
The Emperor of Fire and Iron has high Resistance to Pyro (Around 60% Pyro Res). Additionally, when the Molten Horns are present and Shielded up, It has 60% Resistance to all Elements enabling it to use stronger attacks. It is most recommended that players break the Molten Horn shield first with any non-Pyro element. Aim for the Red Horns in order to reduce the Shield.
Hydro is the best option for quick Shield breaking followed by Electro and then the other non-Pyro remaining elements. When the horns are destroyed, the Emperor of Fire and Iron will become paralyzed for a period of time, which will give you ample time to deal damage. It is recommended that players bring a Hydro and Anemo-centered team to defeat the Boss in a much easier way.
What are your thoughts about the Genshin Impact Emperor of Fire and Iron Boss Guide? Let us know in the comments below!
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