
Honor of Kings Augran Build Guide: Best Arcana, Spells, and Gameplay Tips

Tips to play Augran in Honor of Kings!

Story Highlights
  • Detailed skill analysis and upgrade priorities to maximize Augran’s power in combat.
  • Best Arcana and spell combinations for sustaining Augran in intense battles.
  • In-depth gameplay tips to secure objectives and lead team fights effectively.

Augran is an extremely dangerous front-line fighter in the Honor of Kings, helping him crush lanes or provide super strong support during crucial team fights with his sustain damage, burst, crowd control, and lifesteal. Proper skill timing and positioning allow Augran to take advantage of those strengths.

If you enjoy playing Augran in Honor of Kings, known for his high mobility and burst damage in melee combat, you might also like Li Bai, Lanling King, and Shouyue.

Skill Analysis of Augran

Passive Skill: Soul Resonance

Augran’s basic attacks create a resonance effect, dealing consistent damage and ending in a high-burst magical attack. This enables him to apply consistent pressure in fights, dealing both immediate and delayed damage.

Skill 1: Path of Passing

Augran carves a path that damages enemies, accelerates after contact with the terrain, and provides Augran with movement speed. This skill can be recast to pull back his dagger-axe, entering Seer State for a temporary execute effect against weakened foes.

Augran Skillset Honor of Kings
Augran’s Skillset in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Skill 2: Death’s Precipice

Augran swings his dagger-axe in a powerful strike, slowing enemies and marking them. His next basic attack deals extra damage and recovers health for each marked target, providing valuable sustain in close combat.

Skill 3: Conductor of Souls

Augran descends from above, knocking back enemies and dealing high burst damage. Hitting an enemy hero recovers his health and summons spirit allies for a limited time. After casting, he enters Seer State, where he can instantly execute low-health enemies.

Skill Level-Up Priority for Augran

  • Skill 1: Path of Passing – Maximize first for enhanced damage and mobility.
  • Skill 2: Death’s Precipice – Upgrade second for crowd control and health sustain.
  • Skill 3: Conductor of Souls – Always upgrade for its powerful burst and sustain when available.

Best Arcana and Spells for Augran

Best Arcana Build for Augran

  • Hunter (x10): Provides attack speed and movement speed, helping Augran sustain better in prolonged battles and escape as well.
  • Eagle Eye (x10): Grants Augran a higher offensive capability by increasing physical attack and armor penetration.
  • Calamity (x10): Provides critical amplification for brute-force attacks, making him far more dangerous than he would be without it.
Augran Arcana Honor of Kings
Augran’s Arcana Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Battle Spell

  • Smite: With how important jungle control is, this helps secure the farm as well, and raises his farming efficiency throughout.

Best Build for Augran in Honor of Kings

  • Rapacious Bite: Essential for Jungling, grants bonus physical damage along with Cooldown Reduction and Movement Speed.
  • Boots of Resistance: Grants crowd control resistance along with magical defense, enabling Augran to glide through battles more easily.
  • Shadow Ripper: Increases attack speed and critical rate, ensuring Augran can cut through enemies faster.
Augran Build Honor of Kings
Augran’s Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)
  • Bloodweeper: Adds physical attack and lifesteal, helps Augran survive longer in battles while dealing a good amount of damage.
  • Pure Sky: Provides physical attack, critical resistance, and the ability to dispel debuffs, making him more durable.
  • Cuirass of Savagery: Offers additional physical attack and physical defense, further boosting Augran’s sustain and endurance.

Honor of Kings Augran Guide Gameplay Tips

Early Game

In the early game stick to farming and farm jungle effectively, with Path of Passing keep moving swiftly. Smite keeps the jungle solidly locked up, buffs, and all objectives. Go be opportunistic, try to engage and assist the lanes closest to you when you have your core items.

Mid Game

In the middle of the game, Augran can shine during combat. Death’s Precipice allows him to group up all the enemies near his extractions and follow this with an explosive Conductor of Souls, especially when enemy groups are too far or have low health. This also gives time to target objectives like the Abyssal Dragon and use Smite to secure it for your team.

Late Game

Augran Gameplay Honor of Kings
Augran’s Gameplay in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Late game, with Augran’s Conductor of Souls used, he’s allowed to jump into team fights, disrupting formations. Use Skill 2 to knock back the squishier targets and use Skill 1 for repositioning and catching low-health enemies. Augran’s durable build and high sustainability make him quite strong in the frontline position of a team.

Skill 2Skill 1Skill 3

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Final Thoughts

Augran can be a hard but rewarding hero since his capabilities are all-around, his health sustains well, and his execution of abilities is very powerful. Given the right arcana, build, and skills, Augran can only take objectives very well and press enemy teams with dominance.

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