There are plenty of games available in the market, where majority of them are less appreciated and left untried. KONAMI’s PES Card Collection is one such game that is under this category, where its other games are progressing well, including its realistic football game PES Mobile. PES Card Collection is one such game where you can experience football simulation and also collect some of your favorite players, decide tactics and then get rewards. Even though it has been released couple of years back, it hasn’t gained much public interest. So, in order to get people trying, we’ve decided to help you with our PES Card Collection Beginner’s Guide and Tips. If you are a fan of PES Mobile, feel free to explore our website and read more articles and guides related to it. Also, do not forget to read our other game guides in the website.
What is PES Card Collection
It is a Card collection game where you collect player cards to form the best team out of those and then get to test your team in Football simulation matches.
How to play PES Card Collection?
You get to see a computer simulated match between two preset teams while entering the game. After completing it, you get to choose your Team, Club Emblem and Kits. You’ll obtain your starting XI and Club Captain randomly along with the substitutes. To form a better team, you then have to play matches and collect players. Once you obtain better players, these players can be exchanged. Once you are ready with your team, you can then face many opponents and gain rewards. Regarding the game, there are many features and tips in this article, which are mentioned below.
In-game items
To understand the game more deeply, you need to get to know what do these in-game items signify:
Mail Box

These contain your obtained rewards and present that can be claimed anytime but within 30 days. Only up to 99 presents can be claimable at once.

Indication of your player level. It increases as you play games. EXP necessary for the next level indicated in the top bar.
Game Points. It shows how many Game Points you have. These get deducted when you play a Single Player game. Every five minutes, 1 GP gets regenerated. When your LV increases, the maximum cap of GP also is increased.
Base Points. It indicates how many Base Points you have. These get deducted when you play a Player vs Player game or in short Online mode.
Prime Balls
These are important in-game items in PES Card Collection where you can get new players via draws or special agents by spending these Prime Balls.
Excitement Points. These points level up players after a game, which helps you to gain XP to level up. EP gives an indication of how well you’re doing in the match.

When your players perform dribbles or tackles during a match, you’ll earn Excitement Points. On the top of the screen during the match, there is an EP Gauge which fill and indicate EP. More EP you collect, more post-match items you collect and your players level up faster.
Special Skills

Players will have certain skills that when they are used during the game, they yield them EP. Activate many SP Skills to gain edge over the opponent.
Building your Squad

In order to access your squad in PES Card Collection, you will have to go to the Team Management option. There, you will get to see your current team and number of deck slots. These deck slots help you to have many squads that you can build to use them for specific events. To edit them, go to Edit in your deck slot.

This option will give you many formations that you feel is suitable for your squad. Check out your players and then decide which formation is best suitable for them.
This feature will give you your best team auto picked.
You can decide who should be your Captain or assign players for other roles such as Free Kicks, Corners and Penalties.
Allows you to work on your teamwork.
Players in the reserves is viewed here.
Players and Team Strength
If you want to swap players from the reserves to the substitutes or your starting XI, you can switch them by drag and drop. Hold a player and then more to your preferred change.

Get to the best Team Strength and Grade. Higher these aspects are, better the team performs. Also, do not play players out of position. If they are, they can affect your team’s performance. This is found out if the player has down arrow indication on his card. Also, you can check whether a player fits a position or not while moving to a certain position. The preferred/familiar position is indicated in green and unfamiliar is indicated in red.
Also, player attributes altogether add up to constitute Total Team Strength. There are six of them namely Attack (ATT), Defense (DEF), Technique (TEQ), Power (PWR), Speed (SPD) and Stamina (STA).
Getting new players
You can obtain new players and add them to your squad by accessing the Draw menu. By opening player draws you can get players for your squad. Use Prime Balls to open these agents. If you tap and hold a particular player after obtaining him, you can check his stats and skills.
Matches is where you test your squad against Computer generated teams or Online against Global users. Many match modes are given in the game, you can try them out. Road to Glory mode will give you a chance to get your team into higher stages against Computer Controlled Squads. Ranked Match is great to rank up the leaderboard.
Skill Match, Training match and Elevens Match are great for boosting stats of your players and also train your players. These help you gain a lot of in-game items and rewards. There are special Elevens Match event where you battle a special squad to earn rewards, you can use these rewards for obtaining 5-star players.
PES Card Collection Tips
- Set your formation according to your players. Some players do not fit into certain positions and thus will result in a team strength and grade decrease.
- Play Skill match and Training match regularly in order to boost your squad and increase Team Strength. Skills have a great effect on performance and boost your chances of winning and helps you gain XP faster.
- Go for event draws which gives you a better probability of obtain better players. These high rated players will give you a better play overall.
- Do not store many players in the team. If these players are lined up, it might be difficult to play them all.
- Sell your lower rated players (1- and 2-star players) to obtain funds for your squad.
- Fast forward matches to save time.
- Keep Prime Balls to obtain 5-star players rather than wasting them on Regular draws. Stockpiling your resources are important.
- Limit break players only if necessary and if he performs well in the squad.
For what other games should we add a Beginner’s Guide to? Feel free to mention them in the comment section below!
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Good information. Could you please tell me that fusion needs to train all cards or only one card train and fuse all into the main one
Well, it can have any number of cards to be fused to one. You can perform a fusion if you own the same player as a normal card. Skills are random though.