
Pokémon Go: Best Moveset and Counters for Legendary Pokémon Regieleki

Guide for the best counters against Regieleki during Battle Raids!

Regieleki is an Elite Raid Boss which is a bipedal Legendary Pokémon that appears to be made of electricity. It has legs that look like two short lightning bolts along with two cylindrical arms which can open up. It has seven pinkish dots on its face which can form the pattern ‘X’ and has three spikes on its head. It is an Elite Raid boss which makes it stronger than a tier 5 Pokémon which is why players will need the right counters against it. So in this Pokémon Go guide, we are going to talk about the best ways and counters using which one will be able to defeat Regieleki.

Regieleki in Pokémon Go

Regieleki is a pure-type Electric Pokémon with a maximum boss CP of 47032 and is vulnerable to only Ground-type attacks because of its electric-type state. If players are experienced and have the absolute best counters available against it then they should go in teams of a minimum of 5 players while players with moderate counters should go in teams of 8 trainers or more players.

Regieleki Movesets

Pokémon Go Regieleki moveset
Image via Niantic

The best moves from the moveset of Regieleki are Lock-On and Zap Cannon. Both of them have a combined DPS of 48.7 and it is also the best combination of moves that can be used in Pokémon Gyke and PvP battles. Other decent attacks from its move pool include Thunder, Thunder Shock, and Hyper Beam.

Best counters against Regieleki in Pokémon Go

Here’s the list of the best counters that one can use against Regieleki and guarantee a win for themselves.

  • Groudon (Primal): Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
  • Swampert (Mega): Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Groudon: Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
  • Gengar (Mega): Lick/Sludge Bomb
  • Sceptile (Mega): Fury Cutter/Frenzy Plant
  • Garchomp: Mud Shot/Earth Power
  • Latios (Mega): Dragon Breath/Psychic
  • Alakazam (Mega): Confusion/Psychic
  • Excadrill: Mud-Slap/Earthquake
  • Rhyperior: Mud-Slap/Earthquake
  • Salamence (Mega): Dragon Tail/Draco Meteor
  • Aerodactyl (Mega): Rock Throw/Earth Power
  • Blaziken (Mega): Fire Spin/Blast Burn
  • Mamoswine: Mud-Slap/High Horsepower
  • Landorus (Therian): Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Charizard (Mega Y): Fire Spin/Blast Burn
  • Latias (Mega): Dragon Breath/Outrage
  • Banette (Mega): Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball
  • Gardevoir (Mega): Confusion/Psychic
  • Beedrill (Mega): Bug Bite/Drill Run
  • Houndoom (Mega): Snarl/Foul Play
  • Landorus (Incarnate): Mud Shot/Earth Power
  • Landorus: Mud Shot/Earth Power
  • Charizard (Mega X): Fire Spin/Blast Burn
  • Gyarados (Mega): Bite/Hydro Pump
  • Krookodile: Mud-Slap/Earthquake
  • Kyogre (Primal): Waterfall/Origin Pulse
  • Golurk: Mud-Slap/Earth Power
  • Blastoise (Mega): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
  • Rhydon: Mud-Slap/Earthquake 
  • Kangaskhan (Mega): Mud-Slap/Earthquake 
  • Donphan: Mud-Slap/Earthquake 
  • Venusaur (Mega): Vine Whip/Frenzy Plant
  • Steelix (Mega): Thunder Fang/Earthquake
  • Golem: Mud-Slap/Earthquake 
Pokémon Go Regieleki
Image via Niantic

The moves of Regieleki are not going to be that troublesome for Ground-type counters so players should make sure they take full advantage of the situation. But one must also be careful if they are using a dual Flying and Ground-type Pokémon because Electric attacks deal high damage to Flying-type Pokémon.

What are your thoughts about our guide on Regieleki counters in Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments below!

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