Tapu Fini is a Tier 5 legendary raid Boss in Pokemon GO which has its body inside a shell. It is black in color with blue fins and hair on its body. Its long arms have three webbed digits and it also has purple color around its arms with a white stripe on its chest. There’s a T-shaped marking on the top of its head and it also has purple color above its eyes. As it is a legendary raid boss, players should try to get all the help they can get along with the perfect counters if they want to come out of the battle as a winner. So in this Pokémon Go guide, we are going to talk about the best ways and counters using which one can defeat Tapu Fini.
Tapu Fini in Pokémon Go
Tapu Fini is a dual-type Water and Fairy Pokémon with a maximum CP of 3230 at level 50. It is vulnerable to Electric, Grass, and Poison-type attacks. As it is a Tier 5 raid, even high-level players will need to go in groups of at least 3 to 4 trainers with the perfect counters in order to deal their victory. Lower-level players should not go into battle without having at least 6 trainers on their team.
Tapu Fini Movesets

The best moves from the move pool of Tapu Fini are Water Gun and Surf. Both of them have a combined DPS of 57.9 and it is also the best set of moves that can be used in Pokémon Gyms and PvP battles. Other decent attacks from its moveset include Hidden Power, Hydro Pump, Moonblast, and Ice Beam.
Best counters against Tapu Fini in Pokémon Go
Here’s the list of the best counters that one can use against Tapu Fini and guarantee a win for themselves.
- Sceptile (Mega): Bullet Seed/Frenzy Plant
- Gengar (Mega): Lick/Sludge Bomb
- Beedrill (Mega): Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb
- Manectric (Mega): Thunder Fang/Wild Charge
- Venusaur (Mega): Vine Whip/Frenzy Plant
- Ampharos (Mega): Volt Switch/Zap Cannon
- Kartana: Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade
- Xurkitree: Spark/Discharge
- Latios (Mega): Zen Headbutt/Solar Beam
- Alakazam (Mega): Confusion/Psychic
- Zekrom: Charge Beam/Fusion Bolt
- Abomasnow (Mega): Razor Leaf/Energy Ball
- Groudon (Primal): Mud Shot/Solar Beam
- Nihilego: Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb
- Zarude: Vine Whip/Power Whip
- Thundurus (Therian): Volt Switch/Thunderbolt
- Roserade: Poison Jab/Solar Beam
- Gardevoir (Mega): Confusion/Psychic
- Banette (Mega): Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball
- Raikou: Thunder Shock/Wild Charge
- Magnezone: Spark/Wild Charge
- Electvire: Thunder Shock/Wild Charge
- Thundurus (Incarnate): Thunder Shock/Thunder
- Tapu Bulu: Bullet Seed/Grass Knot
- Chesnaught: Vine Whip/Frenzy Plant
- Vikavolt: Spark/Discharge
- Tangrowth: Vine Whip/Power Whip
- Zapdos: Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt
- Pidgeot (Mega): Gust/Brave Bird
- Gengar: Lick/Sludge Bomb
- Latias (Mega): Zen Headbutt/Psychic
- Thundurus: Thunder Shock/Thunder
- Aerodactyl (Mega): Rock Throw/Rock Slide
- Venusaur: Vine Whip/Frenzy Plant
- Luxray: Spark/Wild Charge

Tapu Fini is a defense-centric Pokémon so fighting it won’t be that tough as compared to other legendary Pokémons in terms of getting counter-attacked. So players should have their allies with them along with their best Electric and Grass-type counters as they are the best against Tapu Fini and they will be good to go.
What are your thoughts about our guide on Tapu Fini counters in Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments below!
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